HPHS Choirs

The Highland Park High School Choir Program has a long-standing tradition of musical excellence, and is committed to helping foster students' musical and personal growth through through the study and performance of a variety of literature.


Don't forget to sign up for Private Voice Lessons!

The evening "All City Choir" performance on 11/30 was cancelled but you can watch the morning performance with the Middle Schools here.

Upcoming Events


  • 2/16 - Jazz Concert - Auditorium at 7pm


  • 3/5 - IHSA Solo and Ensemble

  • 3/15 - Choral concert - Auditorium at 7pm


  • 4/27 - Honors Voice recital - Choir room at 3:15pm


  • 5/13 - AP Music Theory Test

  • 5/16 - Choral concert - Auditorium at 7pm

  • 5/26 - Graduation