7th virtual Science classroom

                      Daily  Assignments


                                         Science                                            Math









Contact Information

Phone: 309-382-3456

                email  mlehr@dist102.org

7th Grade Science Contract

Welcome to your Science Class for 2023/2024.  My name is Mrs. Lehr and I hope you find this year to be an interesting and exciting year to learn about many science topics.  If you ever have any questions or need help I am available almost every day after school.

You will have more success in this class if you always try your best, participate, and follow the guidelines below:

Be Prepared:

Come to class each day

·        prepared with all your materials – textbook, science notebooks, paper, pencil, colored pencils/markers,  glue and scissors.

·        with all your assignments completed.

·        with a good attitude, a desire to learn, and willing to try new things.

·        prepared by studying the night before if there is a quiz or test.

I will let you know ahead of time if other supplies like markers, colored pencils, and glue  will be needed.  Be sure to check the “Today’s Agenda and Assignments" board in the classroom to see if you need anything extra.  I do have extra materials in my classroom that you may use.   If you need to use them, please ask, and use them with respect and care so that other students can use them in the future!

Please be prepared for class and use the restroom during your passing period.  I do NOT allow students to return to their locker to retrieve materials or assignments that have been forgotten.  You will be given a punch card that allows you to have 3 "freebies"  per quarter that will allow you to go to your locker, use the restroom or be late to class.  If you use all your punches then the next tardy will result in a lunch detention/detention after school.


In order to succeed in class your proper behavior will be required.   The science classroom contains many potentially dangerous materials.   You must follow all safety precautions.  If at any time you demonstrate unsafe behavior in class, you will not be allowed to participate in certain activities and an alternate activity will be given.  You are expected to respect school property in this classroom so it will not be damaged.  You will also be expected to be respectful towards everyone in this class and that you do not disrupt the learning environment.

Rules of the classroom include:

·        Be in your seat before the bell rings with your pencil sharpened.

·        Bring all materials to class

·        Do not talk or get out our without permission

·        Respect everyone around you. Bullying, rudeness, and disrespect will not be tolerated.


1st – I will give you a verbal or written warning

2nd – 30 minute detention

3rd – 30 minute detention and call home to your guardian

4th- office referral

Class Work:

Each day your class work will be used to help you master the unit material.  It will include a warm up at the beginning of class, taking notes, being involved in class discussions, collaborating with classmates, observing demonstrations, conducting experiments, completing study guides, giving and listening to reports.  All your class work should be kept in a science folder until the end of that chapter.  Your warm ups, class work and tests will be part of your grade in this class.  The homework you do for this class is designed for additional learning and practice outside the class period,   Be sure to check the assignments on the class board at the front of my room and if you have a planner or notebook write them down so that you can remember what it is.  All homework will be due the next day class meets.

If you are absent, it is your responsibility to obtain your makeup work.  You will have one day for each day you are absent to complete and turn in your work.  

Quizzes and Tests:

You will take science quizzes and tests to help determine your understanding of the science topics that you are learning.  Quizzes may or may not be announced.  Tests will always be announced ahead of time and a study guide for the test will be given.  The test will consist of a variety of question styles:

·        objective:  such as multiple choice, true/false, matching

·        short answer:  such as fill in the blank

·        long answer:  essay where you will explain and describe

·        laboratory:  questions about your experiment and the outcome

If you are absent the day the test or quiz takes place you must make arrangements with me to make it up after your return.  You may make it up before or after school.


Almost everything you complete in Science will contribute toward your grade.  Points will be given for all your science activities and a percentage will be determined.

                                                       GRADING SCALE

                                                             100-90%  A

                                                              89-80%  B

                                                              79-70%  C

                                                              69-60% D

                                                              59-0%   F