Grade 7 and 8

3/29 Grade 7 and 8 will be writing research projects this quarter in health class. Grade 7 will be choosing an adolescent health issue to present and grade 8 will be researching a type of infectious disease, how it transmits and how it can be treated. In PE we are looking at cross cultural sports from around the world and the skills involved in them.

11/3 Peer and societal influences on girl's sports participation was the focus of this week's health class. I was impressed at how well the students could describe health benefits of participating in exercise.

10/27 Grade 7 and 8 completed the beep test and a full stretching class this week. I was really impressed with the endurance development and flexibility of the students. We will begin working on fitness goals and health influences next week.

9/29 The health projects have been submitted to Google Classroom and I will get the grades back to you before your exam next week. Make sure to review the different types of training we can do to improve and different sports that use different skills.

9/7 We began our PE/Health projects today in class. They are due on September 28th in class, meaning that after two more classes they should be finished and handed in. The PE demonstration part of the project will take place on September 27th in class time.

Reminder: There is no PE class on Friday 9/8 because it is a school holiday. Enjoy the break!

9/1 Understanding how range of motion and speed are connected has helped the Grade 7s and 8s to use the skills and techniques they have already learned in baseball, badminton and volleyball in a directed and purposeful way. It is good to see the decision making process being applied to our games as well.

Mr. McKeen

8/25 Grade 7 and 8 are able to demonstrate many different throwing techniques using different equipment and explain when a particular throw needs to be used in a sport.

We have some budding athletes in this class. We are learning about how the body can be trained in different ways for different sports as well as what happens to your body as you are performing aerobic and anaerobic movements. We are testing these techniques out in PE time.