Christian Living

Hello! Welcome to Christian Living Blog!

In this blog, we will upload pictures of what we are doing in CL Class.

Enjoy and God bless!

Teacher contacts:

Ms. Fugaban (Pre-K and K) -

Fr. Garcia (Grades 1 to 6) -

Being with God: What is Heaven?

Preparing for Easter

Kindergarten Showcase 3/22/2019

Our PK and Kindergarten presented a song and dance presentation for their Showcase last March 22. The PK performed "I've got the Joy" while Kinder class performed "Firm Foundation".

MVI_9270 (

Q4 Topics:

PK/K - Being With God, Lent, Easter, Be Like God, Praise God

G1 - Say Yes to God, The Holy Spirit, Holy People

G2 - Signs of Love, The Church and Forgiveness, The Church Year

G3 - Church Leaders, One Holy People, The Church's Mission

G4 - Called to Love, Models of Faith, The Church Teaches

G5 - A Sign to the World, The Teaching Church, Called to Holiness

G6 - Good News, The Church Begins, The Church Community

Q3 - Grade 2 Activity

Kinder - I Forgive

Q3 - Showing Love and Making Good Choices

Pre-K and Kinder did their basket of love for Week 1 and on Week 2, they promised to make good choices!

What is Christmas all about?

Who is the Holy Spirit?

Follow the leader... Follow Jesus!

Pre-K and Kinder are having fun being creators!

Let's use our imagination! Let's be creators!

Our Kindergarten has started their projects by pair: "Think outside the box".

Using card board boxes, they will be creators and plan what they will create out of their boxes.

Caretakers of God's creation!

Show and tell of the stuffed animals they brought! Describing its traits and how to take care of it!

Eli's cute wolf!

Ryan's red monkey!

Joseph's adorable unicorn!

Sean's polkadots elephant!

Eduard's huffing and puffing wolf!

Chloe's cutie bear!

Mason's cuddly rooster!

Chris' big shark!

With the same activity, our Pre-K is also doing it right by explaining their stuffed animals' traits and characteristics!

Audrey's fluffy bunny!

Yura's lovable panda!

Ethan's squeaky pig!

Activity: How can I help?

Howdy Grade 6!

After class photo with Fr. Prudencio, Ms. Fugaban, and our Grade Six students!

With the Grade 4 class, Can you spot where Fr. Prudencio is?

Taken last September 14, while wearing our casual clothes with our Christian Living teacher, Fr. Prudencio. Can you see where he is?

Learning by doing!

The Grade 5 students are cleaning the wall with writings. Good job Grade 5! Way to go to be stewards of God's creation!

Many are called but few are chosen!

Our Grade Six students maybe few, but that doesn't mean they will stop from learning!

OUR GRADES 1 AND 3 (9/11/18)

Students of Grade 1 are listening to Fr. Garcia's discussion while the Grade 3 students are being shown a video about Jesus

Learning what LOVE means (Pre-K)

We draw in our hearts (paper) the persons and things that we love!


We offer prayers and flowers for Mama Mary's birthday on September 8


The Grade 2 pupils with Fr. Prudencio

Pre-K and K's work (AUGUST)

Students from Pre-K draw God's inportant creation: Man!

Our Kindergarten drew God's creation from Day 1 to Day 5!


We are starting to learn more about the faith! Beginning with the creation story!