How it works

How House System functions and operates

We firmly believe that effort and achievement of all kinds should be acknowledged and celebrated. Creating a culture of individual success is vital in schools and we encourage all students to take real pride in their own achievements and to respect the hard work and achievements of others.

The whole school is involved in the merit system, wherein each teacher, assistant teacher, and the many administrative staff members are assigned in a house.

All of them can award individual students house points and merit from earning ‘merit’ points for demonstrating the school values: Truthful, Organized, Reflective, Courageous, and Helpful by filling out the Google form for the House Merit.

These are awarded throughout the year and students will be awarded points for excellent work, effort, progress and good citizenship, event attendance, and adhering to DIS’s disciplinary policies.

Teachers AND staff award points to each student when he/she deserves it.

How do students earn points for their House to win?

Points can be earned as an individual or as a group by:

  1. Participating in all school activities/events, being involved in both academic and extracurricular activities, religious or liturgical, getting involved or engaging in community services activities, and out-of-school activities/events that reflect positively on the student and/or school.

  2. Attendance in school and the activities in the school

  3. Merits by showing good/positive behavior that supports our school standards, reaching the goal or successfully demonstrating/achieving/ performing purpose with quality of being good and worthy of praise/ recognition or reward.

How does it work?

Members of each House strive to work together every month to earn and collect points for their house totals by attending, participating, practicing, and showing the following in:


· Academic excellence

· Trying hard to do better or to achieve academic excellence

· Completing homework/assignments and tasks in class and in school academic activities like Language Laughter, Math Challenge, Young Shakespeare Competition, Cultural Awareness Week, Vocab Jam, etc.


· Being Truthful

· Being Organized

· Being Reflective

· Being Courageous

· Being Helpful

· Being Kind

· Being Polite

· Doing / Initiating Community works/service

· Being a Team Player



· In-School and Out of School Sports Competition

· Junior Varsity and Varsity Teams


· D/TORCH Orchestra and Junior D’TORCH Orchestra

School Organizations that are more than a club

· NJHS (National Junior Honors Society)

· DISMUN (DIS Model United Nations)

· World Scholars Cup

· GIN (Global Issues Network)

· D’TORCH Newsletter

· Kiddie TORCH Newsletter

· D’TORCH Campus Radio

· DYM (D’TORCH Youth Ministry)

· STUCO (Student Council)