Internet Safety Resource Links

Internet Safety

Keeping children safe on their Internet journey and encouraging responsible behavior online is a common goal of parents and educators everywhere. Below we have shared links to a few Internet Safety resources that have been developed worldwide.

National Online Safety provides training resources for school staff, parents and children. Provide tools needed to understand online dangers and how best to react should an incident arise.

Click here to see great graphic one page docs for social media and online platforms children are on. "What Parents need to know about ......."

Common Sense is the nation's leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of kids and families by providing the trustworthy information. Site includes TV, movie and App ratings and suggestions as well as curriculum ideas and tools.

Click Here to Link Directly to Common Sense Media

Addresses negative aspects and dangers for children, as well as the creative and inspiring ways young people are using the Internet for good. This site can display in four languages, and offers resources for children, parents, and teachers.

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Connect Safely is for parents, teens, educators and everyone interested in youth safety online. The site also has a video library and forum.

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The Cyberbullying Research Center is intended to be a resource for parents, educators, community groups and others who work with youth. The site provides cyberbullying research and other helpful resources.

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Online and downloadable brochure with helpful tips for parents to protect their children from online dangers, including pornography.

The Get Net Wise website is designed for easy-to-find online resources focusing on child safety, privacy, security and spam issues.

A partnership of industry leaders working together for the health and safety of youth online. iKeepSafe uses these unique partnerships to provide safety resources for families worldwide.

Provides parents with informational how-to's so they can teach their children to use the Internet safely. Explains family safety settings for Microsoft products.

Educational program of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. It provides age-appropriate resources to help teach children how to be safer online and offline.

The U.S. National Cyber Security Alliance's website that works to create a culture of cyber security and safety through education and awareness.

The Web Wise Kids mission is to teach kids, parents, educators, and the community the value of making safe and wise choices in a technologically evolving world by using the same media in which kids and adults live their lives. is a U.S. charity operating through its volunteers worldwide. It is the largest and oldest online safety, education, and help group in the world. It provides one-to-one help, extensive resources, information, and education to people of all ages.