The 4th  AI&BDvsPandemics

(Artificial Intelligence


Big Data vs Pandemics)

AI&BDvsPandemics is a BIBM 2023 Workshop

2023 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (IEEE BIBM 2023)

5-8, December 2023, Istanbul & Turkey

Organizer: Ester Zumpano (DIMES - Università della Calabria), Eugenio Vocaturo (CNR-NANOTEC, Italy ), Elio Masciari (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II), Andrea Tagarelli (DIMES - Università della Calabria)


The world faced COVID-19 pandemic. Lockdown measures and drastic restrictions on movements and social life affected the lives of billions of people. Covid-19 is the most significant global crisis since the Second World War, but its repercussions exceeded those of a war. The WHO reports 765.222.932 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 6.921.614 deaths, and this number is likely to be underestimated. All countries worldwide lived this crisis and all has changed around us: habits, social relationships, work, sports, school, research, economic relations and political organizations. The actual situation shows that no country was fully prepared to manage such a massive disease outbreak: healthcare systems are in overload operation status, governments are mostly unprepared and social policies are not sufficient.

Scientific community has to work hand-in-hand to provide a full comprehension of the Covid-19 pandemic to mitigate its repercussions on the different domains of our society and to forecast effective strategies, solutions, tools and methods to tackle Covid-19 and (hopely none) future pandemics.

Research topics

The workshop “Artificial Intelligence & Big Data vs Pandemics” aims at bringing together researchers from academia, industry, government, and medical centers in order to present effective strategies, solutions, tools and methods to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic and possible future pandemics. AI&BDvsPandemics is expected to cover both theoretical and practical aspects, as well as technologies and tools of AI in biomedicine, healthcare and wellbeing. The workshop will cover a wide spectrum of topics, from those aimed at easing and supporting healthcare professionals' work to those devoted to improving patients’ lives. The workshop also aims at discussing computational models, social computing, lessons learned, practical solutions that address topics related to pandemics.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Important Dates:

·   Nov 12, 2023 (Extended): Due date for full workshop papers submission

·   Nov  14, 2023 (Extended): Notification of paper acceptance to authors

·   Nov  21, 2023: Camera-ready of accepted papers

·   Dec 5-8, 2023: Workshop

Paper Submission:

Length of paper

Please submit a paper (up to 8 page IEEE 2-column format) through the online submission system (you can download the format instruction here (

All accepted papers will be included in the main conference proceedings which are included in the IEEE digital library indexed by Google Scholar and Scopus.

Special Issues on important Journals are also planned.

Online Submission Web Site:

Program Chairs

Program Committee Members (tentative)

Steering Committee Members

Luciano Caroprese (InGeo University of Chieti-Pescara, Italy)

Ester Zumpano (DIMES - University of Calabria, Italy)

Eugenio Vocaturo (CNR-NANOTEC National Research Council, Rende, Italy)

Carmela Comito (National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Italy)