Chronicle SecOps Suite - Cloud Functions

The aim of this website is to provide informations, links and resources to provide Customers and Partners some tools and utilities for their Chronicle SecOps environment

chronicle-silent-entities-cf: The reason why

Our security Partners and Customers requested multiple times to get notifications about silent servers not ingesting logs anymore into Chronicle. This is still today not possible in Chronicle since silent log notification through Cloud Monitoring is able to provide only DATA_LABELS of the ingestion sources, not entity details such as hostnames or ip.

As a Partner Engineer, I come across the idea to build a way to easily get a list of systems that are not sending logs anymore to Chronicle SIEM since some specified amount of time.

Here you'll find a cloud function that can check and generate an updated list of servers that are not sending logs anymore since a certain number of seconds (number of seconds is provided as a parameter while calling the function). The trigger to launch cloud function is a simple HTTP connection to a specific endpoint.

Oreste Dimaggio - Global Partner Engineer - Security

Installation and Usage

Before you begin

gcloud components update

Preparing the application

Deploying the function

gcloud functions deploy nodejs-chronicle-silent-entities-cf --gen2 --runtime=nodejs20 --region=REGION --source=. --entry-point=chronicleSilentEntities --trigger-http --allow-unauthenticated

Triggering the function

gcloud functions describe nodejs-chronicle-silent-entities-cf --gen2 --region=REGION --format="value(serviceConfig.uri)"

Sample install

orestedimaggio@bypo:~/source/chronicle-notifier$ cd chronicle-silent-entities-cf/

orestedimaggio@bypo:~/source/chronicle-notifier/chronicle-silent-entities-cf$ gcloud functions deploy nodejs-chronicle-silent-entities-cf --gen2 --runtime=nodejs20 --region=europe-west8 --source=. --entry-point=chronicleSilentEntities --trigger-http --allow-unauthenticated

Preparing function...done.                                                                                                                                                                                                   

X Updating function (may take a while)...                                                                                                                                                                                    

    [Build] Logs are available at [;region=europe-west8/47ffa593-ad32-48b9-8433-9776d72bde5a?project=654707583637]                                                        


  . [ArtifactRegistry]                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  . [Healthcheck]                                                                                                                                                                                                            

  . [Triggercheck]                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Completed with warnings:                                                                                                                                                                                                     

  [WARNING] *** Improve build performance by generating and committing package-lock.json.

  [INFO] A new revision will be deployed serving with 100% traffic.

You can view your function in the Cloud Console here:


  build: projects/654707583637/locations/europe-west8/builds/47ffa593-ad32-48b9-8433-9776d72bde5a

  dockerRegistry: ARTIFACT_REGISTRY

  entryPoint: chronicleSilentEntities

  runtime: nodejs20



      bucket: gcf-v2-sources-654707583637-europe-west8

      generation: '1700206955111880'

      object: nodejs-chronicle-silent-entities-cf/



      bucket: gcf-v2-sources-654707583637-europe-west8

      generation: '1700206955111880'

      object: nodejs-chronicle-silent-entities-cf/

environment: GEN_2


  deployment-tool: cli-gcloud

name: projects/chronicle-orestedimaggio/locations/europe-west8/functions/nodejs-chronicle-silent-entities-cf


  allTrafficOnLatestRevision: true

  availableCpu: '0.1666'

  availableMemory: 256M

  ingressSettings: ALLOW_ALL

  maxInstanceCount: 100

  maxInstanceRequestConcurrency: 1

  revision: nodejs-chronicle-silent-entities-cf-00007-bom

  service: projects/chronicle-orestedimaggio/locations/europe-west8/services/nodejs-chronicle-silent-entities-cf


  timeoutSeconds: 60


state: ACTIVE

updateTime: '2023-11-17T07:43:42.369032120Z'


Sample HTTP Request and results

Http Parameters: 

sec_late - Number of seconds since the last log line in the platform

limit_count - Maximum number of results in the results

# curl -X POST -d "sec_late=300&limit_count=100"






