Welcome to
the DMS Library!
My name is Melissa Bockting, and I am the Middle School Librarian. I am excited to be here and to help you find some great books for you to read. I taught 5 years at the middle school level, prior to becoming a mom. I took some time off and in the mean time began getting my Library Certification. I have worked at the Public Library for 4 years, and have helped as a Parent volunteer at the Parkv Elementary Library for 4 years also. I received my Bachelor's Degree at the University of Central Missouri. I then received my Library Endorsement in 20011. I recently finished my Master's Degree in Curriculum and Instruction with Technology. This is my 13th year that I will be the DMS Librarian.
For me, books are a way to experience the world with out having to leave the couch. They can be a movie in your mind with you visualizing what the characters and setting looks like. My hope is for you to find the same satisfaction from reading that I do. My promise to you is to try to help you find that special book that will keep you reading.
As well as being the librarian, I also teach Research Skills for the 7th graders. It is a quarter long class, that will include internet safety, and The Big 6, a research strategy.
You can always reach me with any concerns at 683-2368 ext. 298, or at mbockting@dillonelem.k12.mt.us
May we all have a wonderful year, and may you read that one unbelievable book.
Melissa Bockting
DMS Librarian