2021 - 2022

Past Talks

  • Date : 20 June, 2022
    Speaker :
    Tomer Koren (Tel Aviv University)
    Title : "
    Benign underfitting of Stochastic Gradient Descent, and some other peculiarities"

  • Date : 13 June, 2022
    Speaker :
    Chloé Rouyer (University of Copenhagen)
    Title : "
    A Near-Optimal Best-of-Both-Worlds Algorithm for Online Learning with Feedback Graphs"

  • Date : 30 May, 2022
    Speaker :
    Andres Masegosa (Aalborg University)
    Title : "
    Diversity and Generalization in Neural Network Ensembles"

  • Date : 9 May, 2022
    Speaker :
    Stefan Sommer (University of Copenhagen)
    Title : "
    Stochastic shape analysis and probabilistic geometric statistics"

  • Date : 2 May, 2022
    Speaker :
    Clint Chin Pang Ho (City University of Hong Kong)
    Title : "
    Robust Bellman Updates with s-Rectangularity"

  • Date : 21 March, 2022
    Speaker :
    Julian Zimmert (Google Research)
    Title : "
    Efficient Methods for Online Multiclass Logistic Regression"

  • Date : 14 March, 2022
    Topic : Internal seminar by Hippolyte Raymond Bourel

  • Date : 07 March, 2022
    Speaker :
    Jalal Kazempour (DTU)
    Title : "
    Regression Markets and Application to Energy Forecasting"

  • Date : 03 March, 2022
    Speaker :
    Amir Yehudayoff (Technion)
    Title : "A characterization of multiclass learnability"

  • Date : 28 Feburary, 2022
    Speaker :
    Krikamol Muandet (MPI-IS)
    Title : "Toward Reliable Machine Learning with Instruments"

  • Date : 09 Feburary, 2022
    Speaker :
    Jalal Etesami (EPFL)
    Title : "Foundations of Causal Inference: Challenges and Opportunities"

  • Date : 10 January, 2022
    Speaker :
    Yanlin Chen (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica)
    Title : "
    Quantum Algorithms and Lower Bounds for Linear Regression with Norm Constraints"

  • Date : 13 December, 2021 (Playing NeurIPS keynote)
    Speaker :
    Gabor Lugosi (ICREA Research Professor at UPF and BSE Research Professor)
    Title : "
    Do We Know How to Estimate the Mean?"

  • Date : 06 December, 2021
    Speaker :
    Julian Zimmert (Google, Berlin)
    Title : "
    The Pareto Frontier of model selection for general Contextual Bandits"

  • Date : 29 November, 2021
    Speaker :
    Hippolyte Raymond Bourel (University of Copenhagen)
    Title : "
    Model-Based Reinforcement Learning Exploiting State-Action Equivalence"

  • Date : 22 November, 2021
    Speaker :
    Nicklas Werge (Sorbonne University)
    Title : "Invariant Policy Learning: A Causal Perspective"

  • Date : 15 November, 2021
    Speaker :
    Sorawit Saengkyongam (University of Copenhagen)
    Title : "
    Invariant Policy Learning: A Causal Perspective"

  • Date : 08 November, 2021
    Speaker :
    Rasmus Pagh (University of Copenhagen)
    Title : "
    Efficient differential privacy in the shuffle model"

  • Date : 25 October, 2021
    Speaker :
    Niklas Pfister (University of Copenhagen)
    Title : "
    Statistical Testing under Distributional Shifts: Applications in Offline Contextual Bandits"

  • Date : 11 October, 2021
    Speaker :
    Yi-Shan Wu (University of Copenhagen)
    Title : "C
    hebyshev-Cantelli PAC-Bayes-Bennett Inequality for the Weighted Majority Vote"

  • Date : 04 October, 2021
    opic : Discussion of selected papers from ICML and COLT (Part 3)

  • Date : 26 September, 2021
    opic : Discussion of selected papers from ICML and COLT (Part 2)

  • Date : 20 September, 2021
    opic : Discussion of selected papers from ICML and COLT (Part 1)

  • Date : 13 September, 2021
    Speaker :
    Shinji Ito (NEC Corporation)
    Title : "
    Parameter-Free Multi-Armed Bandit Algorithms with Hybrid Data-Dependent Regret Bounds"

  • Date : 06 September, 2021
    Speaker :
    Ola Rønning (University of Copenhagen)
    Title :
    "General and Integrated Stein Variational Inference with EinStein"

  • Date : 30 August, 2021
    Speaker :
    Haipeng Luo (University of Southern California)
    Title : "
    The best of both worlds: stochastic and adversarial episodic MDPs with unknown transition"