Modifying Lesson Plans for Tech Tools

REport on your EXPERIENCE

WSAND Case Study- "Eat Smart and Being Active During Pregnancy"

In your groups, you created a list of appropriate learning activities that used active learning and developed technology criteria for one of those activities. Share your group's response using the Flipgrid video response platform below.

More information about the Backward Design Process in available in the Step-by-Step Tutorial below.

Step-by-Step Tutorial

For evidence-based results, the model we will use comes from Understanding by Design, (UBD) by Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins. In this resource, the authors guide the reader through elements of lesson plan design starting with lesson objectives and key understandings and progresses towards learning experiences and lesson elements that exemplify the objectives. The videos below further explain the UBD process.

Stage One Application: Modify the basic lesson provided from the Colorado Extended Food and Nutrition Program to meet specific criteria that you develop using the backward design.

Stage Two Application: Determine the type of understanding you want your audience to achieve and build your action-oriented task. Consider the active learning elements and digital tools you wish to include. How do they enhance engagement and performance?

Stage Three Application: Develop your lesson plan. Double check that your activities meet your main objective(s).