UN- CMCoord Assessment

The assessment is a living process, not a one-time event. In on-set emergencies (natural or man-made) and transition phases, the situation may shift rather swiftly. Continuous monitoring and analysis of the situation are required, more so in dynamic and volatile environments, in order to keep the assessment up-to-date and relevant. It is critical to establish an understanding of the civil-military operating environment immediately from the time of deployment and that this is followed by timely updates and reviews of the assessment, in line with changes identified in the context.


Be systematic in gathering, analyzing and synthesizing information and data. Triangulate the data received from the the various sources you use and document it by making use of the various sources you use and document it by making use of the various tools provided.

Start by collecting secondary and primary data, both qualitative - check if there are coordination mechanisms and position papers on UN-CMCoord already available in the country or emergency - and quantitative - such and Military and Civil Defence Assets (MCDA) stocks available in-country -, that is relevant to the UN-CMCoord function and activities.

UN-CMCoord Assessment Process:

Mapping of Civil-Military Actors

The mapping of actors will help you determine who the critical actors are in both civilian and military communities that can impact how effectively and in accordance with humanitarian principles humanitarian actors are able to deliver and implement their activities.

This includes any actor that can:

(i) control access to the beneficiaries,

(ii) impact the security or logistics of the operation,

(iii) provide additional resources, especially in emergency situations, or

(iv) provide good offices to help expedite assistance and resolve issues.

Structures for coordination

Humanitarian coordination at the country level

Humanitarian coordination at the global level

Liaison strategies