Secure Computation

Master's Degree in Cybersecurity

Academic Year: 2021/2022

Lecturers: Prof. Riccardo Lazzeretti and Prof. Daniele Venturi


Secure multi-party computation allows a network of mutually distrustful players, each holding a secret input, to run an interactive protocol in order to evaluate a function on their joint inputs in a secure way, i.e. without revealing anything more than what the output of the function might reveal. 

Secure computation is an abstraction of several important applications, including electronic voting, digital auctions, zero knowledge, and more. The course is thought as an introduction to secure computation,  and will cover both its theoretical foundations and its applications to practical settings such as distributed ledgers and cryptographic currencies.


Teaching Material

The slides for the course can be downloaded from here

The following books are also suggested as further references:


Lectures time: 

Location: Aula Alfa, Via Salaria 113, 00198 Rome. 

Blended Learning: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the lectures will be offered both in person and online using the rules established by Sapienza University. The lectures will be streamed live using Zoom with the credentials below. The recordings of the lectures will be made available on this page.

Meeting ID: 843 0863 7495 Passcode: 771882

Twitter: @SapienzaCrypto

Classroom (class code: ynf6ysa):


Oral exam. Optionally, students may select a project involving some coding (to be chosen together with the istructors), which will be evaluated along with the oral exam.

