
2022/10/04: Intro, Compiled Languages, Build Systems

2022/10/06:Compiled Languages, Build Systems (exercise solution)

  • solution

2022/10/11: C++ intro

2022/10/13: C++ intro

2022/10/18: C++ inheritance

2022/10/20: C++ simulator exercise (cont'd)

2022/10/25: C++ templates (intro)

2022/11/03: Solution to Exercises

  • adding stuff to simulator (source)


2022/11/08: STL

  • Again on Templates - in class redevelopment of MatTemplate and VecTemplate (source)

  • Standard Template Library (slides)(source)

2022/11/10: Solution to Exercises (Templates)

  • Solution to exercises on templates (source)

2022/11/15: STL (cont'd) and Eigen

2022/11/22: STL (cont'd) and Eigen

2022/11/24: STL + Eigen exercises

2022/11/29: Searching and Registering

  • SOTA perf. search structure for fixed size vectors: KD-Tree (slides)(source)

  • Registering Point Clouds: ICP (slides)(source)

2022/12/1: ICP Exercise

  • Solution (source)

2022/12/6: ROS

2022/12/13: ROS

  • Sensors and Actuators (slides)

  • Robot Setup, Transforms and Simulators (slides)(source)