
2021/09/27: Intro, Compiled Languages, Build Systems

2021/09/30: CMake

2021/10/04: Introduction to C++

2021/10/07: Introduction to C++

2021/10/11: C++ Templates

2021/10/14: C++ Templates in Action: Autodiff

2021/10/18: C++ STL

2021/10/21: C++ Eigen + Exercises


2021/10/21: STL Exercises


2021/10/25: C++ Again on Eigen

Video1, Video2

2021/10/28: C++ KD_Tree


2021/11/04: C++ ICP


2021/11/08: C++ ICP

(Video 1) (Video 2)

2021/11/11: AVR and Microcontrollers (part 1)


2021/11/15: AVR and Microcontrollers (part 2)


2021/11/22: Closed loop motor control with AVR and ROS

2021/11/25: Again on ROS


2021/11/29: Transforms and Robot Setup


2021/12/2: Navigation

  • localization and planning.

  • ROS setup of srrg navigation stack (slides)


2021/12/2: Navigation + Projects

  • ROS setup of srrg navigation stack (slides)

  • Projects and Exam (slides)
