Least Squares Optimization on Factor Graphs 

an overview


Factor Graphs are graphical models that can represent a wide range of problems in Spatial AI, including - but not limited to SLAM, Visual and Lidar Odometry, Calibration, Structure from Motion, Model Predictive Control, and Image Classification. Effective methods to solve factor graphs are nowadays available.

This course aims to provide the students with a basic background on formalism and the techniques that can be used to solve these models.

We plan to present several practicals with small projects covering some of the topics included in this course. 

The course is done within 20 hours of teaching and practical tests, is specifically thought for PhD programs but can be followed by anyone enrolled.


Barbara Bazzana

Giorgio Grisetti

Luca Di Giammarino

Syllabus (tentative)

The syllabus might be adjusted  based on the student's feedback.

Basics (27/05)

Multivariate Problems (28/05)

Applications with Real Data (29/05)

Constrained Optimization (30/05)

GBP on Factor Graphs (31/05)




May 27-31, 2024 @ 9:00-13:00


Send completed exercises by mail in a zip folder to digiammarino[at]diag.uniroma1.it, tag [FG24_EX] and put the correct dependencies in the folder (like tools, etc). 

Enrollment Form

Please enroll using the following form. Info about the classroom and links to follow remotely will be sent to your email before the course.