I love reading classic books of Italian and foreign literature, but also popular scientific books which deal with the great themes of space and time. All this always trying to keep me fit with a bit of gym and running. Training either just the mind or just the body would not be healthy, indeed ’mens sana in corpore sano’ (Juvenal, Satires X, 357).

 Main Accomplished University Projects before the PhD

Development of a (RL and Path-planning)-based multi-purpose environment for autonomous UAVs design to offer different communication services in a variety of application contexts (e.g., wireless mobile connectivity services, edge computing, ...)

Estimation of the mass of a load placed on a quadrotor starting from its dynamic model

Development of a (Deep Learning)-based imitation game mostly designed for children, who can interact with the Pepper robot

Development of a robotic simulator of the dVRK with cheap haptic interfaces and an Oculus Rift for 3D visualization of the virtual scene and control of the endoscopic camera with head motion

Dynamic assignment of the most suitable role to each Nao robot (here used as a soccer robot player)

Study Experiences Abroad

Intense course lectures from top AI research scientists and professors, mainly from MIT, Nvidia, Google Brain, OpenAI.

Development of an DRL-based algorithm for a persistent swarm UAVs by collaborating with the SOTON UAV Team of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Southampton.

MyO armband electromyographic signals reading to design a desired trajectory for Tello drone (with Raspberry Pi).

 Details and Certifications



University e-mail:   brunori@diag.uniroma1.it

Private e-mail:        damiano.brunori2@gmail.com  

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