This task force plans and operates to spell out initiatives that set up the added value of CLAIRE for the scientific community in the day-to-day work, forming the so called “CLAIRE Research Network". It will focus on the fact that science and research that is going to be the glue between Accademia, Research Labs and Industry, and it promote way to accelerate all kinds of research: long-term basic research (mostly academic or in research lab, bottom-up); mid-term research (academic + industrial, both bottom-up and top-down, possibly derived by challenges); Short-term research (academic and industrial, typically top-down). In doing this it will also structure the CLAIRE Research Network itself and define way to understand what resources it can count on. This task force is formed by top scientists in Europe and will work in coordination with the CLAIRE core team, the CLAIRE IAGs, as well as the other CLAIRE task forces, including Industry Task force and those dedicates to specific themes such as Covid-19 and Space. Moreover will specifically seek synergies with EurAI and the ICT-48 networks.