
Exam Calendar

The exam consists of 2 parts: 

The final mark of the exam is obtained as a weighted average of the two parts (ML: 1/3, AI: 2/3) and will be registered only when both parts have been passed.The mark for each part will be valid for the entire A.Y., until the session of March/April 2024, included. After then, all marks will be cleared. 

ML Projects

ML Projects can be carried out in team of max 2 people, consist in implementing a Reinforcement Learning Agent based on Q-learning, and must implement two approaches:

Other approaches can be also implemented, but the two above are mandatory.

Any environment can be used (even one developed in the project itself), but we recommend using some already available, such as those provided by Gymnasium (formerly OpenAI Gym, which is also OK). 

Projects must be approved by the teacher before being submitted and presented. 

Projects can be submitted at any time through this form and must be uploaded before the discussion starts. The submission must consist in a single zip file containing:

Optionally, to facilitate the presentation, a Colab notebook can be linked. The content of the notebook must be the same as that of the sources, which must be submitted anyway.

Discussions will take place as per the calendar below. Every project will be discussed separately with all team members. Every member is required to have full kowledge and understanding of every aspect of the project.

For students taking the AI module only: the exam consists in the AI exam only.

Exam Sessions