Fabio Patrizi

Home page:  http://www.diag.uniroma1.it/patrizi

Fabio Patrizi is Associate Professor at DIAG - Sapienza University of Rome. His research activity concerns different areas of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, including Formal Methods, Knowledge Representation, Reasoning about Action, non-standard forms  of Planning in Artificial Intelligence, Service-oriented Computing, and Business Processes. He is author of over 60 scientific papers, published in international top-level venues, journals or conference proceedings, and has been invited to present the results of his research at various institutions. He has been the (co-)recipient of a Best Paper Award, a Test of Time Award, and an RMIT Melbourne Visiting Researcher's Award.


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If you are considering pursing thesis on logic-based methods in AI or CS, don't hesitate to approach me for a chat.