Exam rules

Please read the rules carefully before sending any email.

Winter session exams:

Jan 21, 9:30 am, aula 13, via Scarpa. Booking is mandatory. See the mailing list for details and updates.

Feb 12, 9:30 am, aula 3, Castro Laurenziano. Booking is mandatory. See the mailing list for details and updates.

Data Science students

You have to pass:

  • A written exam, which counts for 60% of your final grade. The written exam consists of a data science part (40%) and a Python programming part (20%). The Python programming part can be skipped if you earn enough credits with the homeworks (see below), and I strongly suggest to do so. To pass the written exam you must obtain enough points in each one of the two parts. Students can take any exam call in any session (except for March/April and October which are reserved to special categories).
  • A project (see below), which counts for 40% of your grade. The project is carried out in groups of 1, 2, or 3 students. Bonuses can be given by the instructors on a per-case basis. The project can be submitted only once. The project can be delivered in any moment, independently of the written exam (see below).

Python Homeworks (terminated on Dec 2019)

Homeworks cover the Python programming part of the course, and are available only for students enrolled in Data Science. Homeworks will be communicated during the Laboratory part of the course (on Fridays). Deadlines are strict i.e. you cannot submit homeworks in any form later in the year (you will have to take the written Python exam).

Computer Science students

The exam rules are the same as those for Data Science students, except that:

  • The written exam consists only of the Data Science part (i.e. no Python programming / homeworks)
  • The written exam counts for 50% of your grade and so does the project

Final Project

The FDS final project is the Kaggle competition "Home Credit Default Risk", https://www.kaggle.com/c/home-credit-default-risk. The project can be turned in at any moment and will be evaluated at the next available exam call. In particular it can be turned in before or after the written exam. For detailed instructions see the mailing list of the course.

Ethical Code of Conduct

Plagiarism is severely prohibited and, in any form, is regarded as a serious violation of the ethical code of conduct. Plagiarism includes the submission of a project whose source code bears strong resemblance to another persons's source code, including other FDS projects and/or kernels that can be found online. After submission, every project is checked with plagiarism detection tools.

Grade validity

Any full exam grade or partial exam grade (homeworks, written, project) remains valid throughout all the current academic year, and expires thereafter.