Fundamentals/Foundations of Data Science


The next written exam is on October 6 at 10am. This is for special categories only. Booking on InfoStud is mandatory and closes on October 4. If you are only sending the project and/or recording previous grade, then do not book. The deadline for sending the project is on October 6 as well.

Don't forget to do the identity verification, see:

Welcome! This is the home page of the course "Fundamentals of Data Science and Laboratory", Master's Degree in Data Science, Sapienza University of Rome, 2019/2020, first term. For Computer Science students, this is the home page of the course "Foundations of Data Science".

Synopsis. Basic topics in data mining and machine learning: linear regression, linear classifiers, clustering, linear programming, algorithms and complexity (for everyone, 6 credits). Basics of programming with the Python language (only for Data Science students, 3 credits).

For the rooms please refer to


Marco Bressan,, bressan AT di DOT uniroma1 DOT it