Ms. Siskoff

Industrial Revolution Inventions


Inventions of the Industrial Revolution

Use the links below to help you find reliable, relevant information for your project so you can complete it more quickly and with more confidence.

Don't forget to tell your teacher where your information came from. If you're using Gale In Context, Gale eBooks, and/or Britannica School, there's a "cite" button in top right corner. If you're using other websites listed below, you can copy/paste the citation prepared for you under the site's description.

This collection begins with an overview and includes links to thousands of resources including videos, images, biograpies, news articles, journals, and more.

Advice for handling all that information? Skim the overview and then search within the collection for the two inventions you've selected.

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Browse the Table of Contents or use the "search within this publication" box at the top right to find specific information on the inventions you're researching.

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search here for the inventions you've selected for images and information

search within this publication at top left for your chosen inventions

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Select "Important Inventions..." if you've selected the Spinning Jenny or the Steam Engine.

If you've chosen the Railroad, don't pass up "The Railroad's Effect on Time and Distance."

“Foundations of Western Culture: The Industrial Revolution.” Foundations of Western Culture,