Teaching & learning

At DHSB we recognise that all students have different skills, abilities and aptitudes and all have an entitlement to access a broad, challenging and appropriate curiculum. Every student is also entitled to experience a variety of teaching and learning styles which enable them to achieve their full potential. Devonport High School for Boys aims, through successful teaching and learning, to develop the whole person and to enable our students to become lifelong independent learners. 

All members of staff have a responsibility, collectively and individually, to contribute to the delivery of the broad, challenging and appropriate curriculum. In addition they individually have a responsibility to strive to deliver lessons where the teaching and learning is of the highest standard and to ensure that students are challenged to know more, remember more and do more from their starting point. 

All Resources, INSET slides, policies and other documents relating to Teaching and Learning at DHSB can be found in the Google Classroom 'TEACHING STAFF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT' which all teaching staff have access to. The Google Classroom Code is: ipnjmej 

"We learn best when......

When we reviewed our approach to Teaching & Learning this year, we sought the views of the people who matter most - our students. We then considered this along with the latest research into how people learn best and what the most successful teachers do and we formulated our strategy.

DHSB Learning Cycle 2022-23 (2).pdf

The DHSB Learning Cycle

The “DHSB Learning Cycle” provides the framework within which we deliver our teaching episodes. It provides the common language for teachers, students and parents to engage in a dialogue about how we teach and how we learn.

It isn't a chronological tick box of what every lesson at DHSB will look like all the time. It is our summary of what the research says the most effective teachers do, along with what we believe is right for our context. It is our expectation of what learning will look like in most classes, most of the time.