Mrs. Donahue's Webpage

Link to my Google Classroom / Schoology

Daily High School Schedule

Becki Donahue

Special Education Teacher

Contact Information:

Phone #: 218-477-6925

Email Address:

Office Hour / Prep Time: 9:42-10:29

Daily Schedule

Period 1: English II

Period 2: Prep

Period 3: Math II

Period 4: English I/ Study Skills

Period 5: Math I and II/Study Skills

Study Hall

Period 7: Science

Period 8: Work Experience/Study Skills


DGF High School District expectations

Mrs. Donahue's E-Learning:
On E-learning days, I will send emails to students in each class period explaining what needs to be done.  Depending on the class, most assignments will be to complete an edpuzzle which will be related to the topic we are talking about in class.  The edpuzzles, or other specified assignments, can be found in the class folders in Schoology.  The students will have 2 days  after the E-day is over before the assignment is due.  My 1st period class will be sent a Google form to fill out before 2:50 PM that day to count for attendance that day.  Any unexcused absences will result in consequences as outlined in the student handbook. I will be available from 8:00 AM-3 PM by email for any questions.