Mrs. Stuart's Kindergarten

Mrs. Allison Stuart

Contact Information:

Phone #: 218-477-6892

Email Address:

Office Hour / Prep Time: 7:45-8:05am & 1:50-2:40pm

Daily Schedule

Mrs. Stuart’s Kindergarten Schedule

8:15-8:30 Arrival/ Morning Work

8:30-8:50 Morning Meeting

8:50-9:10 Reader’s Workshop

9:10-9:30 Phonics/Phonemic Awareness

9:30-10:10 Literacy Centers/Small Group instruction

9:20-9:45 Reading II/E

10:10-10:25 Handwriting

10:25 Bathroom Break/Get ready for recess

10:30-11:00 Recess

11:00-11:30 Lunch

11:30-12:10 Brain Break / Special Helper/ Calendar

11:50-12:15 Math I/E

12:10-12:40 Math

12:40-1:10 Writer’s Workshop/Theme

1:10-1:20 Snack

1:20-1:50 Discovery Learning

1:50-2:15 Physical Education with Mr. Schmitz

2:15-2:40 Music with Mrs. Jansen

2:40-3:05 Pack Up/Read Aloud/Closing Circle

3:05 Dismissal

Media: Fridays 9:15-9:45

Social Worker Lesson: Every other week

E-Learning Information

All families received a set of 5 Snow Day Learning packets during their Fall Parent/Teacher Conference.

In the event the district calls a "snow day", families will be sent an email stating which snow day learning packet to complete.

Packets should be returned the next school day for attendance purposes.