• Look at the "Equipment Checklist" and gather the required materials.

  • Complete any of the 12 Field Day Challenges & Activities.

        • There are video demonstrations listed below from every Elementary PE Teacher in the district!

        • Check out the Modifications document to make your chosen event(s) less/more challenging.


        • Complete the Field Day Scorecard.

        • Post your participation on social media. Tag your school and/or PE Teacher. Don't forget: @DGDistrict58 #DG58FieldDay2020

        • Share on Seesaw to your PE Journal.



Expand the pdf document to view the complete checklist. You can print or take a screen shot.

Virtual Field Day Checklist 13.pdf


Virtual Field Day Scorecard 2.pdf


OPTIONAL: Keep track of your points on the scorecard.

Expand the pdf documents to the left to view competition levels and scorecard. You can print or take a screen shot.


Pots and Pans Challenge

with Mrs. Cavanagh, PE Teacher at Indian Trail & Lester


Indian Trail: #IT58Learns Lester: #LE58Rocks

MATERIALS: Pots and pans, ping-pong ball(s), & cup

OBJECTIVE: See how many pots and pans you can consecutively bounce the ping-pong ball off of before landing it in the cup.

SET UP: Arrange pots, pans and cup on the floor.

DIRECTIONS: Attempt to bounce the ping-pong ball off of the pots and pans and then into the cup.

See the video for detailed directions and examples.

Shuttle Run Challenge

with Mr. Zak, PE Teacher at Indian Trail & El Sierra

Indian Trail: #IT58Learns El Sierra: #ElSierra58

MATERIALS: Two safe objects the size of a baseball, two towels and a timer.

OBJECTIVE: How fast can you complete the Shuttle Run?

SET UP: Place two towels on the ground about 10 steps apart. Place the two objects next to each other on one of the towels.

DIRECTIONS: Run between the towels transferring the objects on each lap. Complete FIVE trials and record your fastest time!

See the video for detailed directions and examples.

Blow It Off Challenge

with Mr. Winter, PE Teacher at Highland

@HGhuskies #HGHuskies

MATERIALS: 1 balloon, 10 Solo cups, a table ledge

OBJECTIVE: How quickly can you blow 10 Solo cups off the table ledge using a balloon? Record your fastest time!

SET UP: Place 10 Solo cups on a table ledge.

DIRECTIONS: Blow up the balloon and use the air in the balloon to blow the cups off the table.

See the video for detailed directions and examples.

Paper Airplane Toss Challenge

with Mrs. Kehm, PE Teacher at Fairmount

@FairmountPE #FA58Share

MATERIALS: 3 paper airplanes and a target (bucket, bin or basket)

OBJECTIVE: See how many points you can score by throwing your paper airplanes at a target. See the video for detailed directions and examples.

SET UP: Place a target 4-5 feet (4-5 big steps away).

DIRECTIONS: Throw the paper airplanes into the target. Keep track of your points. Hitting the target = 1 point. Landing in the target = 3 points. You have one minute.

See the video for detailed directions and examples.

Bottle Flip Blitz Challenge

with Mr. Donnelly, PE Teacher at Lester

@MrDonnellyPE #LE58Rocks

MATERIALS: 1 quarter-filled disposable water bottle, 1 cone or some kind of distance marker, and 1 tape measure able to measure 10 feet

OBJECTIVE: You have one minute to land as many successful bottle flips as possible.

SET UP: A table and maker 10 feet apart.

DIRECTIONS: You have one minute to land as many successful bottle flips as possible. On a successful flip keep flipping, always adding a point for each successful flip. On an unsuccessful flip you must sprint around the distance marker (10ft) and back then continue to flip. After one minute record your score.

See the video for detailed directions and examples.

Trap the Water Bottle Challenge

with Mrs. French, PE Teacher at Pierce Downer & Belle Aire

Pierce Downer: @PierceDowner #PD58Learns

Belle Aire: #BelleAireRocks

MATERIALS: Laundry basket or box, a tennis ball and an empty water bottle

OBJECTIVE: How many points can you get in 1 minute?

SET UP: Place the water bottle under the basket to hold it up.

DIRECTIONS: Roll the tennis ball towards the basket, aiming for the water bottle. If you knock down the basket and trap the water bottle = 1 point. Knock it down and trap the tennis ball = 2 points. Knock it down and trap the tennis ball & water bottle=3 points.

See the video for detailed directions and examples.

Stuffed Animal & Pillow Relay Challenge

with Mr. Smigaj, PE Teacher at Whittier

@MrSmigajPE #Whittier58Rocks

MATERIALS: A piece of paper torn into 10-15 strips, 4 small or medium-size bowls, 10-15 stuffed animals, pillows or anything soft you can pick up and carry, and timer or person to time you.

OBJECTIVE: You have one minute to see how many stuffed animals or pillows you can hold while traveling from one spot to another before the time runs out.

SET UP: Set up two bowls upside down about 10 feet (3-6 grade) or 6 ft (K-2) away from each other. Put the third bowl on top of one of the upside down bowls. Then tear 10 to fifteen strips of paper and put them in the fourth bowl next to the other upside down bowl.

DIRECTIONS: You have one minute to see how many stuffed animals or pillows you can hold while traveling from one spot to another before the time runs out. Each lap, you need to carry another stuffed animal and a lap strip of paper.

See the video for detailed directions and examples.

Trash Can Toss Challenge

with Mr. Zieman, PE Teacher at Belle Aire, El Sierra & Kingsley School

Belle Aire: #BelleAireRocks

El Sierra: #ElSierra58

Kingsley: #Kingsley58

MATERIALS: Any type of ball, a large target (big trash can, box or container), 5-10 markers (paper plates) and a timer

OBJECTIVE: In three minutes, how far can you successfully throw an object into a target?

SET UP: Set a row of markers 5 steps apart from each other. Place the target on the closest marker to start.

DIRECTIONS: Each time you make the object in the target, you move the target to the next farthest marker.

See the video for detailed directions and examples.

Climb the Ladder Challenge

with Mr. Glibert, PE Teacher at Hillcrest School

@Hillcrest_58 #Pawsome58

MATERIALS: A 6-foot ladder or stairs, 3 balls/objects to throw, 1 half-filled disposable water bottle

OBJECTIVE: Get the water bottle to the top rung as fast as possible.

SET UP: Place the water bottle on the first rung of the ladder.

DIRECTIONS: Stand three big steps away with the balls/objects in your hands. Start the timer and throw your ball/object at the water bottle. Each time you knock it down, move it up another rung of the ladder. Stop the timer once you knock the bottle off the top rung. If you do not have a ladder, stairs will work the same way.

See the video for detailed directions and examples.

Flips on the Beach Challenge

with Mr. Perillo, PE Teacher at Kingsley School


MATERIALS: A beach towel and a timer

OBJECTIVE: See how fast you can flip the towel to the reverse side without touching the ground.

SET UP: Lay a towel on the ground

DIRECTIONS: Start by laying out your towel and standing on it with two feet. Time how fast can you get to the reverse side without touching the ground with your feet or hands. For an extra challenge, see how fast can you get from side A to side B and then back to side A.

See the video for detailed directions and examples.

Egg & Spoon Relay Challenge

with Mrs. Dwar, PE Teacher at Fairmount School

@DwarPhysEd #FA58Share

MATERIALS: 1 spoon, 1 egg (plastic or real, if you dare!), 2 distance markers, and timer

OBJECTIVE: Complete as many laps as possible in 2 minutes. One lap = 1 point. You earn 5 bonus points if you do not drop your egg at all.

SET UP: Place 2 markers approximately 10 yards apart (10 big steps).

DIRECTIONS: Begin at one marker with the egg balanced on the spoon. Walk/run to the other marker without dropping the egg. You CANNOT touch the egg while balancing it on the spoon. If the egg is dropped, do 5 jumping jacks before picking the egg back up and continuing. How many laps can you complete in 2 minutes?

See the video for detailed directions and examples.

Water Cup Balance Challenge

with Mrs. Carlson, PE Teacher at Henry Puffer

@HeidiCarlsonPE #PufferPanthers

MATERIALS: A plastic cup (shoe if playing indoors) and water

OBJECTIVE: Earn up to 6 points for completing 3 levels of challenge.

SET UP: If playing outdoors, fill a cup half-way with water.


  • Level 1 (1 point): Turn in a complete circle while balancing cup of water (or shoe) on top of your head.

  • Level 2 (2 points): Move from standing to sitting while balancing a cup of water (or shoe) on top of your head.

  • Level 3 (3 points): Move from standing to lying down while balancing a cup of water (or shoe) on your forehead.

See the video for detailed directions and examples.

DG58 Field Day 2020

YouTube Playlist

You can find all 12 videos for the Field Day Events in one place, HERE!