
2017 Astronomy school on photometric redshift

June 28 and 29, 2017 - La Serena, Chile

Anfiteatro 1, Physics and Astronomy Department, Universidad de La Serena

The Ph.D. in Astronomy Program at Universidad de La Serena, has pleasure to invite you to the "2017 Astronomy school on photometric redshift".

This school intends to be an easy introduction to Multi-band (MB) Aperture photometry and Bayesian Photometric Redshifts derived from Modern Astronomical Redshift Surveys. The school will the given by Dr. Alberto Molino (IAG, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil), who is an expert on this topic.

In particular, the school aims at teaching how to perform different types of photometry (Isophotal, Circular, Flexible) on astronomical images, how to extract astrometric and morphological information from stars and galaxies, how to generate MB photometric catalogues, how to create and trim (png) color images from (FITS) images, how to create mosaic (FITS) images, how to visualize images and catalogues with VO tools, how to derive Bayesian Photometric Redshifts and how to visualize and quantify its precision.

The school is open to graduate students, postdocs and professors of different institutions. Considering the size of Anfiteatro 1, there is a limit of 30 participants.

There is no inscription fee. However, participants should organize their own travel and accommodation. Coffee breaks will be provided by Universidad de La Serena.


Sergio Torres Flores (Universidad de La Serena)

Alberto Molino (Universidad de São Paulo)

José Luis Nilo (Universidad de La Serena)

Claudia Mendes de Oliveira (Universidad de São Paulo)

Credit image (top panel): AURA/Gemini Observatory/Manuel Paredes