Math Investigations

Done with your work early and ready to challenge your brain! This is the page for you! Choose any activity below and see what you can do...

1. Math Art! On this site there are several programs where you can use math to create beautiful art! What can you make? Take a screen shot and share it with me!

2. Logic Math Games! Try your hand at solving one of these mathematical logic games.

3. Mystery Grid! Click on the ? to read the directions. Then click play and see how many grid puzzles you can solve!

4. Mobile Puzzles! Click on the ? to get directions. When you are ready click on play and try some out!

5. Who am I? Puzzles! Click on the ? to get directions. When you are ready click on play and try some out!

6. Quarto! Battle the computer in the game of Quarto... Choose your difficulty level and away you go!