English for Teenagers

Welcome to English for Teenagers in 2020

English for Teenager is our English training course for young people.It is designed to build your practical English skills so that you are comfortable and confident using English in everyday conversations.

This English for Teenagers course focuses on the 4 skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking), and your teachers will help you to apply these skills to everyday English language.

We use original international textbooks and highly experienced local and international teachers. Our classes are very active and you will get lots of practice during classroom activities. You also get free access to our wifi internet. If you have your own computer, tablet, or smartphone, bring it with you!

Course Times

We'll update the schedule soon. Please come and check again.

Course Fees

The course fee for English for Teenager is 50,000 Kyats per term.

If you don't already have one, you will need to buy a textbook from us. Textbooks cost 20,000 Kyats each. The total payment will be 70,000 kyats. You will only need to buy one textbook per year. All other course materials are provided by DevelopEd. Our textbooks are original, modern, professional textbooks that are used all around the world.

If you have not paid your course fee your place in class may be given to another student.


Accommodation at DevelopEd is not available for this course. You will need to find your own accommodation in Lashio.

Apply Below!

There are three steps to apply to study English for Teenager at DevelopEd.

  1. Fill in the application form (click the link below).
  2. We'll contact you to sit a level test.
  3. If you are accepted to study English for Teenager at DevelopEd, come to our office, pay your payment, and enrol.

Remember. Places in English for Teenager are very competitive. If you don't get accepted this term, try again next term.