What is DevelopEd?

DevelopEd | Lashio is a community owned and operated youth education center in Lashio, Northern Shan State, Myanmar. The aim of DevelopEd | Lashio is to provide practical education and training to rural youth, to enable our students to improve their own lives, and the lives of those in their community.

DevelopEd | Lashio works with all community groups and is non-political, non-religious, and tries to be inclusive in everything we do. We employ local and foreign staff to provide the best learning outcomes for our students, while empowering local people to run the centre.

DevelopEd | Lashio is a social enterprise that has been funded by donations from international organisations and people from all around the world. We are now moving towards a self-funded business model by reducing the need for donations and covering our operating costs with course fees.

DevelopEd | Lashio was established in 2014 with the help of DevelopEd | Australia.