DeSoto CTE is dedicated to providing every student with skills and opportunities to transform their dreams into realities every day!

All students have the opportunity for career exploration through CTE courses in DeSoto Parish. We offer courses ranging from Manufacturing to Culinary and Website Design to Emergency Medical Responder. Each course is part of a Jump Start Career Pathway that prepares students to enter the workforce upon graduation. For a complete list of pathway offered in DeSoto, please read the Jump Start Pathways Summary.

Louisiana’s Jump Start program is a new paradigm for career and technical education (CTE), requiring students to attain industry-promulgated, industry-valued credentials to graduate high school.

Jump Start prepares students to lead productive adult lives, capable of continuing their education after high school while earning certifications that create pathways to prosperity.

Jump Start aligns Louisiana’s K-12 CTE strategy with the state’s economic development strategies, preparing students for the careers that will drive our state’s future prosperity. All Louisiana students, even those on the TOPS University Diploma track, can obtain industry-based credentials to prepare for high-wage, high-demand careers.

North Louisiana Economic Partnership

The NLEP is our regional economic development organization (REDO) that works closely with industry in researching trends in workforce to ensure that we are preparing our students to meet the future workforce needs in north Louisiana.