
Geometry Unit Topics:

*This serves as a guide to what we will be learning.

Unit 1: Constructions and Rigid Transformations

Unit 2: Congruence

Unit 3: Similarity

Unit 4: Right Triangle Trigonometry

Unit 5: Solid Geometry

Unit 6: Coordinate Geometry

Unit 7: Circles

Unit 8: Conditional Probability

- - - - - - - - LEAP 2025 EXAM - - - - - - - - -

Classroom Behavioral Expectations:

  1. Be RESPECTFUL of Ms. White and your classmates.

    1. Do not Talk while I am talking….for any reason. Raise your hand and I will address you in a timely manner.

  2. Be PREPARED for class on a daily basis

    1. Charged Chromebook

    2. IM Workbook

    3. Folder

    4. Pencil

    5. Geometry tools

  3. Be ON TIME!

  4. BE KIND!

Digital Classroom Expectations:

  1. Check Google Classroom and your school email daily.

  2. Complete all lessons, including any daily attendance assignments.

  3. Attend scheduled Google Meet sessions.

  4. Teachers have established office hours when students can check in and receive support. Students are responsible for contacting teachers if they need additional assistance to successfully complete digital lessons.

  5. Be kind and respectful when collaborating with students in the digital classroom.

Classroom Procedures:

On a daily basis, expect the following:

  1. Bell Ringer/warm-up

  2. Instruction

  3. Assignments/Activities (i.e. WORK)


  • IM Workbook

  • Folder

  • Paper

  • Pencils

  • Highlighter

  • Chromebook, fully charged

General Expectations for Ms. White’s Classroom:

Materials- You are expected to bring materials to class – this includes a pencil (or pen – no neon colored ones) and a binder with paper. I highly recommend a binder with dividers.

Bell Work- Each day there will be a bell ringer/warm-up problem. It is your responsibility to keep up with these.

    • Homework- Homework is an important part of learning mathematics. Every assigned problem should be tried and the answer checked. It is permissible to discuss problems with others. It is not permissible to copy another student’s work or work from an online source (or any source for that matter). Your work should reflect your own thought processes. Do your best to think through the problems and understand why things work the way they do. Homework questions will be discussed daily via Google Classroom meets, question forums, collaborative Google Docs, etc. Homework should be corrected and added to as the material is better understood. When using Kami in our Google Classroom, same requirements as above! Be neat and show work.

Turning in Papers- Assignments will be turned in through Google Classroom

Test/Quiz Days- A few things to know about test days:

  1. If you wait until test day to ask me questions – you have waited too late! Study and ask questions in class prior to test day!

  2. I DO NOT allow ANY talking during a test!

  3. If you are caught cheating during a test, you will automatically receive a zero.

  4. I use a combination of paper/pencil test and online platforms. All work must be shown in both situations.

  5. When you have completed a test, you should place your answer sheet on your desk FACE DOWN. I will come to your desk to pick up your testing materials as you finish.

  6. If you finish a test early: work on your Early Finisher assignment for the week, work on any makeup work, read if you have a book, or wait quietly.

  7. THERE WILL BE NO CARRY OVER TESTS! Tests are designed for one class period and therefore must be completed in one class period.

  8. For testing in Google Classroom, you will only be able to submit your answers once.

Make-Up Work- The most important thing about make-up work is that it is your responsibility!! This is extremely important to remember in order to prevent you from getting behind. When ABSENT…

  1. See your Google Classroom assignments for the day you were absent.

  2. You will have a reasonable number of days to make it up, depending on the number of absences you have…if you have an unusual circumstance, I will make arrangements with you personally.

Leaving the Room- Leaving the room without my permission, without a hall pass, or lining up at the door for the bell is never acceptable.

Final Exam – This is a LEAP 2025 course! This means we will be using assessments to track achievement and prepare for the final exam.

Other Important Notes:

If you fail a test, remediation opportunities are given to recover some of the points missed.

Above all else, remember I am here to see that you learn! It is my responsibility to make sure that I create a comfortable learning environment for everyone, including you! Therefore, I will do everything in my power to make sure that this classroom has a positive atmosphere in which we can enjoy, while WE get “smarter”! If you are having a hard time in my class, please do not wait until the last minute. Let me know early on! The longer you wait, the more behind and lost you get and the less time you have to bring up your grade. You should know that I will do everything I can to help YOU SUCCEED! However, I will not do the work for you and I will not give you extra bonus assignments at the last minute! Get ready to learn and let’s have a great, fun, and SUCCESSFUL semester!

☺ Mrs. White