Ivana Rodriguez

This is Ivana Rodriguez’s second year in Journalism. Ivana was first called to Journalism through her love of gossip. To Ivana, journalists are always the ones to know the best gossip first, and they even get to write about it and publish it as articles. Ivana Rodriguez is a Junior at Palm Desert High School. While Ivana’s favorite articles to read are exposes, no matter how hard she tries she always goes back to her one true calling- writing satire articles. Ivana enjoys writing satire articles because she believes they are the best way to passive-aggressively express her opinions and critiques on society. She is the president and founder of the Latino Student Union at PD, a member of the Junior Statesmen of America, and a part of the club Writer’s Alchemy. In her free time, Ivana enjoys volunteering at her local library, listening to Conan Gray and Lana Del Rey, thrifting, reading, and writing poetry. However, none of these can possibly top her favorite ever past time, which is eating Popeye's with fellow Spear writer Alexandra Aguilar. Ivana hopes to go to college for film, with her main goal being to become a movie director and screenwriter, with her biggest inspirations being Wes Anderson, John Hughes, and Greta Thunberg.