President Biden Rejoins the Paris Climate Accord

by Caitlyn Crenshaw, Staff Writer

Prioritizing the wellbeing of the planet, President Biden signed off on rejoining the Paris Climate Accord. Biden’s goal is to reverse some of the damage of Trump’s environmental policies and protect the nation’s water and air supply. In addition, he aims to protect endangered species and contribute to alleviating the overwhelming reality of global warming. The Washington Post says, “Biden’s executive order recommiting the United States to the internal struggle to slow global warming fulfilled a campaign promise.” Prominent issues Biden plans to monitor and create solutions to (associated with the Environmental Protection Agency) affect the lives of all people in America. Examples of these are drinking water, dangerous chemicals and gas-mileage standards. Assuring the public he will make prominent strides to combat climate change and protect the quality of the planet, Biden addressed climate change in his inaugural address, claiming he will focus on  “the battle to save our planet by getting the climate under control.” 

Furthermore, Biden revoked the presidential permission for the permit of the Keystone XL oil pipeline. Barack Obama halted the construction, but Trump allowed for it to be built, resulting in 300 miles of pipeline. Biden put a stop to it. Also, Biden prevented oil drilling, which ultimately protects Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Business Insider  claims that “the refuge is a critical environment for 270 animal species, including the endangered polar bears and Native American communities strongly opposed drilling in the region.” 

Biden, according to Anchorage Daily News, regarded his initiative as “an action to protect public health and the environment.”