Career Technical Education (CTE) courses provide students with the skills they need to be successful in their post-secondary education and future career. Each CTE class offers students the opportunities to explore careers in industries that are thriving in our region. In addition, students apply skills learned in their “core academic” classes, giving them the competitive advantage of moving beyond theory and into practice. Students often work in teams to come up with solutions to real-world problems and demonstrate their learning by designing, building, or implementing the idea or product. Students share what they learn through presentations (sometimes to industry representatives), competitions, or with their peers. CTE courses provide students with leadership opportunities in industry-related clubs and Career Technical Student Organizations such as SkillsUSA. The school's pathways and academies provide a sequence of courses designed to deepen students’ learning in a given industry sector.

CTE is the way to BE! Come and SEE what makes us special!

CTE offers the opportunity to:

  • Explore career interests and goals

  • Learn employability and job skills

  • Create a personal portfolio and resume

  • Obtain work experience and on-the-job training

  • Prepare for advanced career training and/or high education

  • Engage in career exploration

  • Participate in job training

  • Earn skills certifications immediately transferrable to careers

CTE classes are designed to provide academic studies and hands-on training in entry-level job skills. Some courses are hybrid courses with a combination of classroom-only, community classroom (internship), and/or community college vocational education courses, partnering with College of the Desert in Dual Enrollment programs.

  • Classroom-Only – Instruction takes place in classroom setting with hands-on skills training using industry standard equipment.

  • Community Classroom Setting – Community classroom is a combination of classroom instruction and an unpaid on-the-job internship at a business or public agency.

  • Community College Vocational Education – Through Dual or Concurrent Enrollment, students will take a college-level course, with a focus in a workforce industry sector.

For more information visit DSUSD_CTE

Courses Offered:

Computer Science Pathway (CSP)

    • Introduction to Computer Science Principles

    • AP Computer Science

    • Cybersecurity

Emergency Management Academy (EMA)

    • Introduction to Emergency Management

    • Fire 001A/B (Dual Enrollment w/COD)

    • EMT 080 (Dual Enrollment w/COD)/EMA II

Academy of Technology and Landscape Management (TLM)

    • TLM I

    • TLM II

    • TLM III (Internship/Practicum)

Energy, Environment & Utilities (EEU)

    • Aviation III / Practicum

    • EEU Year 1 - Clean Energy Technology

    • EEU Year 2 - Energy Transmission and Distribution

    • EEU Year 3 - Clean Energy Careers (Internship/Practicum)


    • Cadet Corp

Our Staff

Mr. Omar Castro and Mr. Curtis Hendricks - Emergency Management Academy

Mr. Ariel Gonzalez - Academy of Technology and Landscape Management (TLM)

Mr. Derek Orkney - Computer Science Pathway

Mr. Matthew Stafford - Energy, Environmental and Utilities Pathway/Cadet Corp