Energy, Environmental, and Utilities (EEU)

Energy, Environment, and Utilities (EEU)

This sector is designed to provide a foundation of knowledge and skills in careers related to energy, environment, and utilities. The pathways emphasize real-world, occupationally relevant knowledge, skills, and experiences of significant scope and depth in Environmental Resources, Energy and Power Technology, and Telecommunications. The standards integrate academic and technical preparation and focus on career awareness, career exploration, preparation for entry to technical-level employment, and alignment with postsecondary programs focused on energy, utilities, and related fields.


Clean Energy Technology

In this course, students explore sources of renewable energy: wind, solar, hydroelectric, and biofuels. Working with solar, thermal, chemical, and mechanical sources of clean energy. Students learn the most efficient and appropriate use of energy production as they explore the relevant relationships among work, power, and energy.

Energy Transmissions and Distribution

The course continues from Clean Energy Technology to consumer usage and includes the introduction to AC/DC power, transformers, the electrical grid and Smart Grid, and consumer load on the electrical system. Students use Ohm’s Law, Joules Law of heating, the Root Mean Square Law, the Pythagorean Theorem and trigonometric principles to understand how energy travels along power lines and is converted from direct current to alternating current to end up, ultimately, in homes and businesses.

Clean Energy Foundations

Clean Energy Career Foundations is a capstone course for the Energy, Environment, and Utilities (EEU) Academy. It is designed to give students targeted, intensive study in one of three career pathways, environmental resources, energy and power technology, and telecommunications, while also serving as an intern in the EEU industries.

Program Instructor: Matthew Stanford


Shadow Hills High School

39225 Jefferson Street, Indio, CA 92203


Ext: 44907