Counseling Protocols
Schedule Changes
Schedule changes will not be made based on teacher preference.
Schedule changes will not be made based on period preference.
Schedule changes will not be made if the student changes their mind on a previously selected elective.
Schedule changes will not be made for a student deciding the class is too hard; however, if a student wants to challenge to a harder class, the change can be made with teacher recommendation.
Schedule changes will be made if a student is not A-G or graduation eligible.
Schedule changes will be made if the student completed the course in summer school or an outside coursework program.
Schedule changes will be made if the student is missing a core course or has a hole in their schedule.
Schedule changes will be made if the student has been placed in a class that is out of sequence.
Schedule changes will be made if students do not complete contracts or agreements by the deadline.
Schedule Prerequisites/Protocols
Students will participate in four years of English.
Students receiving a D or an F in an English class any semester will be scheduled to retake the semester.
Students receiving a D or an F in a Dual Enrollment English class at the semester will be moved into a CP English class.
Course sequence is pre-AP English I for freshman year; pre-AP English II or AP Seminar for sophomore year; Writing courses for junior year of which we have three choices: English III, AP English Language, or DE English oo1 and 2A, and literature courses senior year of which we have two choices: ERWC and AP Literature.
Students will participate in four years of math or three years of math and an additional year of science.
Students receiving an F both semesters of the math class will be scheduled to retake the class.
Students receiving a D or an F first or second semester of the math class will be scheduled to take Summer School to relearn the foundations.
Students will participate in four years of science or three years of science and an additional year of math.
Students receiving a D or an F in a semester of a science class will be scheduled to retake the semester.
Health lessons are embedded in Biology classes as part of the state curriculum, in order to opt out of health curriculum, please complete the opt out form during registration.
Be aware that honors classes in science do not receive a point bump for colleges, they are a preparation class for students who wish to take AP science classes, as they are the hardest AP tests available.
AP Chemistry has a prerequisite of CP or HP Chemistry due to needing the foundational coursework in order to be successful in the course. The prerequisite can be waived on a case by case basis for an incoming sophomore who successfully passed both semesters of their freshmen science class with a C+ or higher.
Students who take HP Chemistry freshman year as part of the IGETC program, who opt out of the program sophomore year, will go back and take the Conceptual Physics course that was skipped during their sophomore year.
Social Science
Students will participate in three and a half years of social science.
Students receiving a D or an F in a semester of a social science class will be scheduled to retake the semester.
Ethnic Studies lessons are taught during the freshman year as part of the state curriculum, in order to opt out, please complete the opt out form during registration.
Students receiving a D or an F in a Dual Enrollment Social Science class at the semester will be moved into a CP version of the class.
World Languages
Students will participate in two years of the same World Language, although it is highly recommended they participate in four years. If students change languages, they will take two additional years if they have not met their world language A-G requirements.
Students receiving an F both semesters of the World Language class will be scheduled to retake the class.
Students receiving an F first or second semester of the World Language class will be scheduled to take another year of the class to make up the F, up to four years.
Students receiving a D or an F in a Dual Enrollment World Language class at the semester will be moved into a CP or AP World Language class.
In order to be eligible for the State Seal of Biliteracy, students must pass all English classes with a C or higher AND either pass four years of World Languages with B's or higher OR Pass the AP test with a 3 or higher. Must also meet or exceed the standard in English Language Arts portion of CAASPP.
Career and Technical Education Academies and Pathways
Students who choose to participate in a CTE program are committing to three years of the program.
Students who commit to a CTE program must maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher.
Students receiving a D or an F in a Dual Enrollment CTE class at the semester will be moved into a CP version of the CTE class in the same period with the same teacher.
Students who choose to participate in the AVID program are committing to four years of the program.
Students who commit to the AVID program must maintain C's or higher in all classes or they will receive academic probation and mandatory tutoring support.
Students receiving a D or an F in a Dual Enrollment AVID class at the semester will be moved into a CP version of the AVID class in the same period with the same teacher.
Students may not enroll in AVID 11 or 12 without having been in AVID 9 or 10.
Visual Arts
Students will participate in one year of an elective of which visual art is one of the options.
Art I is a prerequisite for Sculpture, Digital Art, and advanced art classes. If a student passed ceramics or digital art in middle school with an A or B, the prerequisite can be waived for the respective programs.
Yearbook I is a prerequisite for Yearbook II, III, and IV; must have teacher approval.
Journalism I is a prerequisite for Journalism II, III, and IV; must have teacher approval.
Performing Arts
Students will participate in one year of an elective of which performing art is one of the options.
Performing Arts courses are audition based unless waived by teacher; students are not guaranteed entrance into a performing arts course. The only exceptions are Theatre, Technical Theatre, Mixed Chorus, and Beginning Band.
Physical Education
Two years successful completion of physical education is required for graduation eligibility.
All students must take PE 1 as a course and take the state physical fitness tests.
If both semesters of PE 1 are failed, student will retake PE 1.
Students must pass both semesters of PE 1 & 2 to be eligible for Personal Fitness.
Students who pass the PE 1 course may opt to take PE2, CIF PE (varsity athletics), or marching band as the second year of PE. All other students must take PE2.
Health lessons are embedded in PE classes as part of the state curriculum, in order to opt out of the health lessons, please complete the opt out form during registration.
Scheduling Timeline
Students meet one-on-one with their counselor between January and March to choose initial schedule.
During April, students will receive a two week window to request changes to their schedule.
In August, students will receive a two week window to request changes to their schedule. These changes are not guaranteed; but are based on availability and needs for graduation.
After the two week window in August, students may reach out on an individual basis to request changes for another four weeks per board policy; but these are not guaranteed, cannot violate any policy from section 1, and will be based on availability and needs for graduation.
Schedule changes will not be made after six weeks.
Schedule Miscellaneous
Unscheduled Early Release / Late Start
Students must enroll in a minimum of 5 consecutive courses per semester.
Students must be on track for graduation regarding credits and grades.
Students must be on track to complete A-G eligibility requirements and have a 2.0 or higher.
Seniors may only have up to 2 unscheduled periods of early release or late start at the beginning or end of the day.
Seniors must adhere to school guidelines for starting and ending times and cannot be on campus during their unscheduled period(s) or the early release/late start will be revoked for the next semester.
Students must maintain passing grades, good behavior with no discipline issues, and acceptable attendance or the early release/late start will be revoked for the next semester.
This program change may affect my son/daughter’s status concerning the following:
California Scholarship Federation (CSF) requirements
Athletic eligibility (CIF, NCAA, NAIA)
Related student activities (cheerleading, student government, club activities, etc.)
Teacher Aid / Office Aid Request
Only 11th and 12th Grade Students who meet the criteria below may be a Teacher or Office Aid:
Students must be on track for graduation regarding credits and grades.
Students may only have 10 credits of TA for their high school career.
Students must meet one or more of the following College and Career Indicators criteria:
Two or more AP exams with a 3 or higher (prepared)
Enrolled or completed (with a C- or better) two semesters of college coursework (Concurrent, Dual Enrollment, or articulated CTE) (prepared)
Enrolled or completed a CTE pathway and enrolled or completed (with a C- or better) one semester of college coursework (Concurrent, Dual Enrollment, or articulated CTE) (prepared)
On track to complete the A-G Requirements (approaching prepared)
Enrolled or completed 2 years of Leadership/Military Science (with a C- or better) with a GPA of 2.0 or higher (approaching prepared)
The student will benefit from the Student Aide/Student Tutor for the following reason(s):
The student will learn essential office and communication skills, assist other students in the classroom setting (tutoring), and learn basic skills to become an educator.
General Rules:
I will support the school environment and adhere to the school rules and the dress code.
I will follow the school rules regarding attendance and tardies and refrain from cell phone use.
I will maintain student confidentiality at all times.
I will take the initiative to assist classroom/office staff with all the necessary tasks.
I am expected to deliver all packages and messages promptly.
I will maintain good grades, behavior, and attendance in all classes.
I will be assigned a Pass or Fail for Student Aide. (Pass/Fail grades are not calculated in the GPA.)
Work Experience or CTE Internship
Students must enroll in a minimum of 5 consecutive courses per semester with the last one to two periods being the Work Experience Course or one to three periods being the CTE Internship Course.
Students must have a job or internship and meet one of the following criteria:
Enrolled in a CTE pathway and enrolled or completed (with a C- or better) one semester of college coursework (Concurrent, Dual Enrollment, or articulated CTE).
Students must be on track for graduation regarding credits and grades.
Students with work experience courses and/or a CTE internship must follow school guidelines for arrival and departure.
Students must maintain the job, passing grades, good behavior, and acceptable attendance or students will be removed from the program the next semester.
This program change may affect my son/daughter’s status concerning the following:
California Scholarship Federation (CSF) requirements
College entrance requirements (A-G)
Athletic eligibility (CIF, NCAA, NAIA)
Related student activities (cheerleading, student government, club activities, etc.)
Graduation Requirements
Students must complete four years (40 credits) or eight semesters of English with a D or higher for graduation and a C or higher for A-G (Career & College Ready) acknowledgement.
Students must complete three years (30 credits) of Math with a D or higher for graduation and a C or higher for A-G (Career & College Ready) acknowledgement. Students must pass Math I to graduate.
Students must complete one year (10 credits) of a life science (Biology or Anatomy Physiology) with a D or higher for graduation and a C or higher for A-G (Career & College Ready) acknowledgement.
Students must complete one year (10 credits) of a physical science (Geology, Meteorology, Chemistry, or Physics) with a D or higher for graduation and a C or higher for A-G (Career & College Ready) acknowledgement.
Students must complete one year (10 credits) of World History with a D or higher for graduation and a C or higher for A-G (Career & College Ready) acknowledgement.
Students must complete one year (10 credits) of US History with a D or higher for graduation and a C or higher for A-G (Career & College Ready) acknowledgement.
Students must complete one semester (5 credits) of US Government with a D or higher for graduation and a C or higher for A-G (Career & College Ready) acknowledgement.
Students must complete one semester (5 credits) of Economics with a D or higher for graduation and a C or higher for A-G (Career & College Ready) acknowledgement.
Students must complete one year (10 credits) of World Languages or Fine Arts with a D or higher for graduation and a C or higher for A-G (Career & College Ready) acknowledgement.
Students must complete two years (20 credits) of Physical Education with a D or higher for graduation.
Students must complete 70 credits or fourteen semesters of electives with a D or higher for graduation and a C or higher for A-G (Career & College Ready) acknowledgement.
Graduating in White:
Board Policy 5127, Educational Code 51228.1, Board Policy 5122, Educational Code 46145 Students must have a cumulative weighted GPA of 4.0 or higher (Summa Cum Laude) at the end of the first semester of their senior year.
Students must meet graduation requirements.
Students must attend an accredited high school for four complete years taking the maximum number of classes offered by the school. (AR 6143)
Per Board Policy 5122, seniors may meet the early release / late start requirements for being unscheduled and meet the maximum number of classes; but they must also be A-G to meet the requirements for being unscheduled.
Students must have a minimum of 220 credits completed over the four years (transfer students must meet minimum requirements from the original district and align with our district).
Students can have no more than 10 credits (2 semesters) of Student Aid or Work Experience to be credited towards the honors.
A-G Eligibility
All classes must be passed with C or higher.
Two years of social studies/history classes, including one year of world history and one year of us history or one-half year of us history and one-half year of American government.
Four years of college preparatory English that include frequent and regular writing, and reading of classic and modern literature.
Three years of college preparatory mathematics that include the topics covered in elementary and advanced algebra and two- and three-dimensional geometry (four is recommended)
Two years of laboratory science providing fundamental knowledge in at least two of these three disciplines: biology, chemistry, and/or physics (three is recommended)
Two years of the same language other than English (four is recommended)
One year of a visual or performing arts class, including dance, drama/theater, music, or visual art.
One year (two semesters), chosen from additional "a-f" courses beyond those used to satisfy the requirements above, or courses that have been approved solely for use as "g" electives.
IGETC Commencement Ceremony at College of the Desert
All classes must be passed with C or higher.
Must complete a 1-A English composition course. Shadow offers ENG 001A on our campus.
Must complete a 1-B critical thinking course. Shadow offers ENG 002 on our campus.
Must complete a 1-C oral communication course. Shadow offers COMM 001 on our campus. Required for CSU's only.
Must complete a 2 Mathematical Concepts & Quantitative Reasoing Course. Shadow offers AP Calculus and AP Statistics on our campus. Student must pass AP exam with a 3 or higher to receive credit. If student does not pass AP exam, student may take as concurrent enrollment on COD's campus.
Must complete a 3-A arts course. Shadow offers MUS 005 on our campus.
Must complete two 3-B humanities courses. Shadow offers Span 21 and 22 on our campus. Student may take concurrent enrollment courses at COD to meet this requirement.
Must complete three 4 Social and Behavioral Science courses. Shadow offers CJ 001, PS 001, HIST 017, HIST 018.
Must complete a 5-A physical science course. Shadow offers AP Chemistry on our campus. Student must pass AP exam with a 3 or higher to receive credit. If student does not pass AP exam, student may take as concurrent enrollment on COD's campus.
Must complete a 5-B biological science course. Shadow offers AP Biology on our campus. Student must pass AP exam with a 3 or higher to receive credit. If student does not pass AP exam, student may take as concurrent enrollment on COD's campus.
Must complete 5-C science lab. This is automatically embedded in both Shadow courses. If student takes concurrent enrollment, student must enroll in additional lab.
Must complete two 6 language other than English courses. Shadow offers Span 21 and 22 on our campus. Required for UC's only. If student uses the spanish courses for this requirement, different courses must be taken for the 3-B requirement.
*Addendum: It is possible that within the next year the state might mandate Ethnic Studies for CSU's. If this occurs, we will work on getting the course on our site.
AP Capstone Diploma
All classes must be passed with C's or higher.
Receive a score of 3 or higher in AP Seminar.
Receive a score of 3 or higher in AP Research.
Receive scores of 3 or higher in four additional AP Exams of choice.
State of California's College and Career Readiness Indicators:
Must meet one of the following: Complete a CTE program AND pass the Math OR English SBAC with a score of 3 or higher
Pass the Math and English SBAC with a score of 3 or higher.
Pass two or more AP exams with a score of 3 or higher.
Pass two semesters of Dual Enrollment Classes with a B or higher.
Be A-G eligible AND one of the following:
Complete a CTE program.
Pass the Math SBAC with a score of 3 or higher.
Pass the English SBAC with a score of 3 or higher.
Pass one AP exam with a score of 3 or higher.
Pass one semester of Dual Enrollment with a B or higher.
Community Service Seal
160+ hours across two to four years
All activities are completed outside of school hours.
You must perform a service for someone other than family members.
Activities are done concurrently to your participation in clubs (in otherwards, club meetings and required activities are not allowed).
Activities such as Boy Scouts, Girls Scouts, 4H, etc. (organizations that require service hours) may, with pre-approval, qualify.
Community service must be submitted by March 1 of senior year.
Community service hours submitted that cannot be verified will not qualify.
Golden State Seal Merit Diploma
Receive a high school diploma.
Receive a B+ or higher for both semesters of English in grades 9, 10, or 11 ~OR~ pass the grade eleven California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) for English language arts with a 3 or higher (standard met).
Receive a B+ or higher for both semesters of Math in grades 9, 10, or 11 ~OR~ pass the grade eleven California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) for Mathematics with a 3 or higher (standard met).
Receive a B+ or higher for both semesters of Science in grades 9, 10, or 11.
Receive a B+ or higher for both semesters of US History.
Pass two additional subject areas as follows:
Receive a B+ or higher in a second English, Math, or Science class both semesters
Receive a B or higher upon completion of other A-G courses both semesters
State Seal of Biliteracy
Pass all English classes with a C or higher (and combined GPA of 2.0 or higher)
Pass the grade eleven California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) for English language arts with a 3 or higher (standard met).
Prove proficiency in one or more languages, other than English, through one of the following:
Passing the Language AP exam with a 3 or higher.
Completing four years of a world language, with a B or higher (and combined GPA of 3.0 or higher) and demonstrate oral proficiency in the language
Passing the SAT II World Language exam with a score of 600 or higher
Passing an IB Exam Language Exam with a 4 or above
*Addendum: If a student’s primary language is not English, he or she also needs to pass the ELPAC
AVID Completer
Must be A-G eligible.
4+ years of AVID
120+ hours of community service
3.0 Cumulative GPA or show steady improvement
Apply to a 4 year college
Complete AVID Data
Apply for a Micro-credential with AVID center