California State University (CSU)

CSU will begin accepting applications from October 1st - December 4th.

How to Apply to Cal States (Videos)

Admissions Requirements

Generally, applicants will qualify for consideration for first-time freshman admission if they meet the following requirements:

  1. have graduated from high school, have earned a Certificate of General Education Development (GED) or have passed the California High School Proficiency Examination (CHSPE);

  2. have a qualifiable minimum eligibility index (see Eligibility Index); and

  3. Have completed with grades of C or better each of the courses in the comprehensive pattern of college preparatory subject requirements also known as the “A-G” pattern.

CSU Guide for How to Get In! (Spanish & English)


Eligibility Index

All California State Universities have what’s called an Eligibility Index. This index is the initial criteria that allow incoming students to be eligible for any CSU admission.

But meeting the minimum Eligibility Index score DOES NOT GUARANTEE your student’s admittance into some California State schools!

The Eligibility Index focuses on 3 things

  1. Completion of a-g requirements

  2. Your GPA (Unweighted GPA + up to 8 Honors/AP points for 10th-12th grade) High School GPA Calculator

  3. Your SAT and/or ACT scores

These three things add up to a score for a total Eligibility Index score. For any California State University to consider your student, they need to meet the minimum Eligibility Index scores for SAT or ACT.

Meet The A-G CSU Admission Requirements With a C or Better

The A-G CSU Requirements are a minimum of 15 units.

1 Unit = 1 Year of the Required Course.

AND you need to get a C or better in every course!

Therefore, even though CSU’s do not use your freshmen years GPA in the admission GPA calculation process you need to get at least a C in order to pass the A-G CSU admission requirements.

For the list of A-G Requirements, click the tab below.



For over 40 years, CSU has collaborated with the State of California to provide financial and academic support to students through the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP). Each year, EOP admits a new class of first time freshman and transfer students. Each of the participants enters the university with limited financial resources, but the desire to overcome all obstacles. Most importantly, however, every new participant understands that the highest achievement comes as a result of strong partnerships. Through your partnership with EOP, you will be equipped with the academic and personal tools to realize your educational goals.

CSU admits students to EOP, whose families are challenged by economic barriers and who need admissions and/or counseling services to succeed in college. EOP provides access to higher education for those students who demonstrate potential and who, without EOP support, may be unable to earn a college degree. EOP at all CSU campuses offers pre-admission counseling, admission assistance, referrals for tutorial learning, career guidance, financial aid advisement, and other student services.

For more information and to APPLY for EOP, check out the CSU EOP web page HERE!