If your student does not have WiFi access at home, parents only can go to the school, sign a verification that you do not have home WiFi, and check out a device. Please be aware that MiFi’s are not for filtering. The Chromebooks are already being filtered with the same filtering used during the school day.
If you currently have internet access at home, you do not qualify to receive a MiFi device.
We understand that learning today is not limited to the school day. The Desert Sands Connect: One-to-World Device initiative levels the playing field for all students by providing equity through access. Connect by Desert Sands opens up the world to all students.
In order to meet the demands of the 21st century, Connect extends the classroom experience and fosters creativity, collaboration, communication, and critical thinking.
The Connect initiative further enhances the DSUSD commitment to support students on their journey toward college, career, and life readiness.
This Chromebook distribution initiative is being conducted so that we can foster a school culture that promotes digital literacy and that we continue preparing our students to be Future Ready. We appreciate your support and look forward to a successful launching of our Chromebook distribution initiative!
For more information regarding the Chromebook and our technology initiative please visit the other subsections to the left.