Van Buren Elementary Counseling Corner 2021-22
Hello and Welcome to Mrs. Salazar's Counseling site!!
Bienvenidos a la pagina de la Consejera, Sra. Salazar!!
Mrs. Salazar, Van Buren Counselor
Grades Tk to 5th Grade
Contact Information:
School Phone # 760-775-3870
Google Classroom Code: sc3uwa7
I am so excited to have this webpage provided to all my parents and students in which you will be able to access information such as
Estoy muy gustosa de poder conectarme con los padres y estudiantes por medio de esta red social donde podran tener acceso a la informacion siguiente:
Second Step Program lessons for all grade levels to view with your family and includes activities that you may print at home and discuss
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) books that you can follow the read aloud and discuss the situations with your child teaching them how to handle life situations.
Social Emotional Wellness Resource Website provided by DSUSD. Please see site below ..........
Parent Resources will contain links for diverse topics to help parents make better informed decisions as well as many community resources for your needs
Van Buren Activity Pictures will include year long activities on campus that your children enjoy as they are learning while having fun
AND More.....
At Van Buren we teach our students to have PRIDE by building and strengthening their Character. Positive character traits are important in every aspect of our lives. Below is a short video discussing five of Van Buren's most important characters. Please view and discuss with your child about their thoughts of Why and How they will implement these traits in their daily lives.
(Espanol) En la escuela Van Buren enseñamos a nuestros estudiantes a tener ORGULLO, construyendo y fortaleciendo su carácter. Los rasgos de carácter positivos son importantes en todos los aspectos de nuestra vida. A continuación se muestra un breve video que analiza cinco carácteres más importantes de Van Buren. Vea y hable con su hijo sobre sus pensamientos sobre por qué y cómo implementarán estos rasgos en su vida diaria.
Social and Emotional Wellness Resources
Recursos de Bienestar Social y Emocional del Distrito
(click below to access the site)
Click in the box above and you will be taken to the sight to access information and assistance through Desert Sands USD
Oprina arriba y entrara a la pagina de recursos de salud mental

"Bulldog P.R.I.D.E
Perseverance, Respect, Integrity, Disciplined and Excellence
Perseverancia, Respeto, Integridad, Disiplina y Excelencia
"Power of Yet"
"El Poder de AÚN"
Message from Mrs. Salazar, your Counselor
Don't ever give up, because if you don't or can't do something 'YET', you just keep on trying and you will succeed!!!
Nunca se den por vencidos, porque si AÚN no pueden lograr una meta, sigan intentando y lo lograran!!!