
5th Grade Reading Essential Outcomes

By the end of 5th grade students will…

  • Compare - (How Things are the Same in Text)

  • Contrast - (How Things are Different in Text)

  • Identify the Main Idea using supporting details - (What’s the Big Idea?)

  • Locate Supporting Details in a text – (Evidence of Main Idea)

  • Determine the Cause – (Why Something Happened)

  • Determine the Effect – (Result of Something that Happened)

  • Discover the Author’s Purpose - (Reason the Author Wrote the Text)

  • PIEE

    • Persuade

    • Inform

    • Express Ideas

    • Entertain

  • Analyze the Sequence of a story – (Order of Events)

  • Identify 1st Person Point of View - ( I, my, we, us)

  • Identify 3rd Person Point of View - (he, she, they)

  • Analyze Characters in text - (Physical and Personal Traits)

  • Use facts from text and person experience to Draw Conclusions

    • (Make an Opinion about the Text)

  • Identify the Plot – (Overall Structure of a Story)

    • Exposition/Introduction

    • Rising Action

    • Climax/Turning Point

    • Falling Action

    • Resolution/Conclusion

  • Understand Figurative Language

    • Simile - (Comparing using “like” or “as”)

    • Metaphor - (comparison is made between two unlike things that actually have something in common)