Remote Learning

This page will be utilized for archiving the Weekly Agenda of each week of our Remote Learning experience. For the CURRENT week agenda, please go back to the home page and find it there. Look below for the weekly agendas of weeks past.

Week 1 of March 16-20th

3/16: Today I asked all students to do a basic check-in assignment to let me know they are checking Canvas and have a plan for successfully navigating remote learning. I also advised them to make sure all late work due work is made up because we will being moving forward with new content starting tomorrow!

3/17: Today I published new Remote Learning Agendas for each class that will be posted weekly during this time. These agendas will get updated DAILY and should be checked often by the students for any changes, additions, adjustments, etc. Each of my classes have new assignments due Thursday to begin with (Seniors have Hamlet Act 5, Juniors have Macbeth Act 2, and Public Speaking has a new chapter on Persuasive Speaking).

3/18: Students should be plugging away through some content now. Most assignments will get a couple days to get done, but there may be overlapping which means something is usually due each day. The in addition to the assignments listed in 3/17, the juniors and seniors also have new discussion prompts to work with.

3/19: Students in all my classes had work due this morning. I will of course, as always, accept late work (and leniency may be applied in these new times), but one way or another, the work needs to get done and students are accountable for it. All classes got some notes posted they can use to review material and to check homework. Juniors have a new Macbeth assignment on an important speech in the play in addition to the journal prompts. Seniors have a unit review assignment following the end of Hamlet. And Public Speaking has been tasked with trying to accomplish a recording of their speech.

3/20: Finishing of our first week of remote learning, and I hope students can use their weekend to catch up on any work already missed this week or prior. The juniors do need to finish their soliloquy analysis by Monday and seniors their HAmlet Review by Monday as well. Both classes had discussion prompts with replies required that should be done by now, but can finish over the weekend if they didn't. Public Speaking is tasked with recording and presenting their speech if possible. Have a great weekend!

Week 2 of March 23-27th

3/23: Today we venture into our second week of remote learning and hopefully by now students are finding a routine. Juniors have a Macbeth assignment due this morning analyzing a soliloquy from Act 2 (if not done yes, please have them get it done soon, preferably today). They are also supposed to create two peer replies to Macbeth Journal #2 discussion by tomorrow morning. In addition, they are now assigned Macbeth Act 3 due by Wednesday midnight. with study guide questions. Seniors are wrapping up our Hamlet Unit with two new assignments today including a discussion on "What is a Parody?" and an analytical question comparing the revenge theme of the play to Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The Public Speaking class should hopefully be posting videos of their informative speech and thinking ahead toward their persuasive speech with brainstorming.

3/24: Today the juniors simply carry on with their Macbeth work that began yesterday. They do also have peer replies due on their Macbeth journal #2. Seniors are stepping on to the 2nd Hamlet Wrap-up discussion that is based on the Greek tragic model. They will also get assigned (at some point today) the Hamlet Parody Project to begin perusing examples and brainstorming for their own projects. Public Speaking are tasked with submitting a topic selection for their next speech that is persuasive.

3/25: Today the juniors are finishing up Macbeth Act 3 by midnight. They also now have a new journal prompt #3. Seniors have their 3rd Hamlet Wrap-up Discussion and can now view the song examples for their Hamlet Parody Project. Public Speaking students should begin researching information for their persuasive speech.

3/26: Today the juniors can check the notes on the Macbeth Act 3 Study Guide. They can also continue a new journal prompt #3 and have a new assignment to analyze Macbeth's climax. Seniors have their 4th Hamlet Wrap-up Discussion and can now view the video examples for their Hamlet Parody Project. Public Speaking students should begin researching information for their persuasive speech.

3/27: To round off the week, the Juniors need to continue the Macbeth Climax analysis and the Journal #3 peer replies. The Seniors should make sure they've completed all Hamlet Wrap-up discussion prompts from this week and be working on their parody project. Public Speaking should try to wrap up their Persuasive speech research today and through the weekend so that they can begin drafting it next week.

Week 3 of March 30th - April 3rd

3/30: Today the Seniors Wrap up the Hamlet unit with an analysis of last week's work. They are also assigned their Culture Day activity for MP3 and must finish their Hamlet Parody Project by week's end. The Juniors are pushing forward into Act 4 of Macbeth. At the same time, they need to complete or revisit two earlier assignments, the Soliloquy Analysis and Climax Analysis, that will count toward a test grade for MP3. Public Speaking should be moving forward with their research and begin drafting a speech to turn in by the week's end.

3/31: Today the Public Speaking students have more details on what to submit for their Persuasive Speech, which is due by Friday. Seniors should complete their Hamlet Wrap Up Evaluation and Analysis and can also begin on the TED Video discussion about theater and democracy. They should also continue working on their Culture Day and Parody assignments. Juniors need to keep plugging away at Macbeth Act 4 and revisit (or complete) their Soliloquy Analysis and Climax Analysis, that will count toward a test grade for MP3.

4/1: Public Speaking students should continue their Persuasive Speech, which is due by Friday. Seniors should complete their TED Video discussion about theater and democracy. They should also continue working on their Culture Day and Parody assignments. Juniors need to keep plugging away at Macbeth Act 4 and revisit (or complete) their Soliloquy Analysis and Climax Analysis, that will count toward a test grade for MP3. The Macbeth quiz is now open and needs to be complete by Friday.

4/2: Public Speaking students should continue their Persuasive Speech, which is due by Friday. Seniors should continue working on their Culture Day (due today) and Parody assignments. Juniors need to check Macbeth Act 4 work and revisit (or complete) their Soliloquy Analysis and Climax Analysis, that will count toward a test grade for MP3. The Macbeth quiz is now open and needs to be complete by Friday.

4/3: Seniors should have their Hamlet Parody Project turned in today! And the Hamlet Wrap-up Analysis should be done by now, counting as the final Hamlet Quiz Grade. Juniors should have completed the quiz as well as any missing work, mostly on Macbeth. Public Speaking should have their Persuasive speeches, visual aids, and speech delivery notes turned in today.

Today, Friday April 3rd, marks the end of MP3. With next week being spring break, anyone missing work should take advantage of the extra time and get work turned in. Monday, 4/13, is an ELA catch up day, so nothing will be due, but I have to submit grades before the week is done. Let's make our time count and education a priority and take care of business!

Week 4 of April 13-17th

4/13: All classes are starting MP4 today! All classes also have until tomorrow, Tuesday 4/14, to make up any missing work from remote learning these last few weeks! Both the Seniors and Public Speaking & Debate classes are starting new units, while the Juniors are nearing the end of Macbeth! Seniors will start today with a simple Anticipatory on our new Short Story Unit while Debate starts their first anticipatory lesson for the Intro to Debate. Juniors move ahead today with Macbeth Act 5 as well as a unit vocabulary assignment.

4/14: Today, Juniors are continuing with their Macbeth Act 5 and vocabulary. Seniors should complete their anticipatory and then get started on their unit background notes and phase 1 stories. Debater class should finish the Debate anticipatory #1 and begin the Debate Types assignment.

4/15: Today, Juniors should wrap up Macbeth Act 5, continue workign on the vocabulary due tomorrow, and begin a new journal prompt due Friday. Seniors should wrap up their Short Story Unit background today and keep plugging away at the new Unit readings. Debateers should watch/listen to my screencast on the Debate Anticipatory, wrap up the Debate Types assignment, and begin Debate Anticipatory #2.

4/16: Seniors should check out the lecture notes on the Short Story Unit background and continue on with the unit readings. Juniors should check out the review notes for their Macbeth Act 5 Study Guide and finish the vocabulary due tonight. They can also continue the journal post due tomorrow night. Debaters should watch the lecture notes on Debate Types, complete Debate Anticipatory #2 due tonight and begin the TED Talk analysis due tomorrow night.

4/17: Debaters should complete their TED Talk critical analysis today. Juniors shoudl complete their Macbeth journal prompt and check the voiceover lecture review on the vocabulary. Seniors should be knee deep into the Short Story Unit which is due by Sunday midnight. Seniors are also invited to join me for a LIVE Canvas conference to say hello or ask for help!

Week 5 of April 20-24th

4/20: Good Monday, everyone! All classes should begin by checking out the REMOTE LEARNING AGENDA for the week. Debaters begin the week with a new assignment on Debate Values. Juniors begin with an assignment analyzing Macbeth's legacy. And Seniors begin the week with some Lit Circles on the Short Story Unit as well beginning The Metamorphosis. ALL CLASSES now have a video conference consent form available that students must fill out if they want to participate in live video conferences I am now offering throughout the week!

4/21: Happy Tuesday! Debaters should watch and reflect on the Introduction to Debate lecture as well as complete their Debate Values assignment. Juniors should complete the Macbeth Legacy Character Analysis and begin on the Macbeth Unit Review. Seniors should review the lecture on Metamorphosis background and complete their Phase 1 lit circles for tonight. Meanwhile, they should work on The Metamorphosis Part 1 for Wednesday night and Part 2 for Thursday night. Both my juniors (11am) and seniors (1pm) have an opportunity today to live conference with me!

4/22: Debaters should watch a video on the Value notes, should be finishing their Debate Notes Reflection, and starting an assignment on Debate Resolves. Juniors' Macbeth Character Legacy Analysis is now past due, the Review is due tonight, and they can get started on a little TED video on the play. Seniors hopefully have their lit circles done and are full into Metamorphosis by now. Part 1 due tonight, Part 2 tomorrow, and now Part 3 by Friday. They should also check out my screencast notes on the Phase 1 stories! Happy Wednesday!

4/23: Juniors can check out my Screencast discussing the Macbeth Review and things to know for the quiz. Keep working on the new TED Video discussion due Friday night and get started on the Macbeth Quiz also due Friday night. Seniors should keep plugging away at The Metamorphosis with Part 2 due tonight and Part 3 due tomorrow night. They now have the Metamorphosis Quiz available that is due NEXT TUESDAY night (just in case they need more time for anything). Debaters should complete the Debating Resolves assignment by tonight and begin the TED Video Critical Analysis on "How to disagree productively and find common ground." Happy Thursday!

4/24: Seniors should be wrapping up The Metamorphosis today with Part 3, shoudl cjeck out my screencast on Parts 1 & 2, and begin the story quiz dues next week. Juniors should complete the Macbeth Quiz and the TED Video discussion. Debaters should wrap up the TED Video Critical Analysis. Have a great weekend, everyone!

Week 6 of April 27th - May 1st

4/27: Juniors begin this week with one last Macbeth assignment that serves as a reflection of the unit as well as a segue into the next unit on Frankenstein. Seniors have a bit more flexibility in their work this week as most of it is assigned early on. Seniors begin with finishing up The Metamorphosis Quiz for Tuesday night, assigning two new week long discussions, and the Unit Phase 3 stories (2 of them). Please check the Remote Learning Agenda for information on the next novel, live conferences, etc. Debaters start this week with a TED video that pertains to our learning on Debate!

4/28: Juniors should complete the Macbeth Ted video today and get started on the Mary Shelley bio assignment. Seniors should complete the Metamorphosis Quiz by tonight, continue the Short Story Unit Phase 3 stories (2 stories) due Thursday, and continue two discussion prompts on Metamorphosis and on Literature and Life due by the end of the week. Debaters should complete the TED video assignment by tonight and review the Debate Notes voiceover lecture and work on the reflection of those notes by Wednesday night.

4/29: Happy Wednesday! Today, juniors should complete the Mary Shelley bio and start the Intro to Frankenstein assignment. Seniors should continue the Short Story Unit Phase 3 stories (2 stories) due Thursday, and continue two discussion prompts on Metamorphosis and on Literature and Life due by the end of the week. Debaters should complete review of the Debate Notes voiceover lecture and reflection of those notes by tonight as well as review the next Debate Notes voiceover lecture and work on the reflection of those notes by Thursday night.

4/30: Happy Last Day of April! Juniors should complete the Intro to Frankenstein assignment today and begin the discussion on prompt on the Dread of Science. Seniors should complete the Short Story Unit Phase 3 stories (2 stories) due tonight and continue two discussion prompts on Metamorphosis and on Literature and Life due by the end of the week. Debaters should complete review of the second Debate Notes voiceover lecture and reflection of those notes by tonight as well as work on the Debate Perspective video assignment due Friday night.

5/1: Welcome to May! Today, Juniors should complete the discussion prompt on the Dread of Science and review my voiceover discussion on May Shelley. Seniors should complete the two discussion prompts on Metamorphosis and on Literature and Life due by tonight. They should also review my voiceover discussion on the Phase 3 stories. Debaters should complete the Debate Perspective video assignment by tonight as well as review the voiceover discussion on the week's information.

Week 7 of May 4th - May 8th

5/4: May the 4th be with you! Debaters, today you begin a quiz review on Debate due tomorrow as well as an analysis of a debate video due Friday. Juniors, you are beginning Frankenstein be reading the opening "Letters" that frame the story as well as you can begin the first journal prompt due Friday. Seniors, we begin Life of Pi this week starting with an anticipatory today, but you also have the Short Story Unit Quiz due Tuesday night.

5/5: Debaters should complete the Debate Notes Quiz REVIEW for tonight and may begin the quiz if ready which is due tomorrow night. Juniors should continue with the Frankenstein readings due Wednesday and Friday as well as add the Frankenstein vocab assignment due Thursday. Seniors should complete the Short Story Unit Quiz by tonight, wrap up the Life of Pi Anticipatory for tomorrow night, and may begin the Life of Pi Author's Note due Thursday.

5/6: Debaters should complete the Debate Notes Quiz by tonight and continue the video analysis due Friday. Juniors should complete the Frankenstein Letters 1 & 2 for today and continue with Letters 3 & 4 for Friday, while continuing the Frankenstein Vocab #1 for Thursday. Seniors should complete the Life of Pi Anticipatory for tonight and continue the Author's Note due Thursday. In addition, the should review the Background Notes and write a brief reflection for Friday.

5/7: Debaters should continue with the Debate Video Analysis due Friday night. Juniors should complete the Frankenstein Vocab #1 due tonight and continue Frankenstein Letters 3 & 4 due Friday night. Seniors should review the Life of Pi Anticipatory voiceover discussion and complete the Author's Note big ideas for tonight.

5/8: Debaters should complete the Debate Video Analysis by today if haven't yet. Juniors should complete Frankenstein Letters 3 & 4 for today as well as journal #1. Seniors should review the screencast on the author's note, complete the background reflection, and get started on Life of Pi chapters 1-8 due Tuesday.

Week 8 of May 11th - May 15th

5/11: Debaters should begin the next TED Talk video critical analysis on continuing the conversation about argument. Juniors should begin Frankenstein Chs 1-5 reading (study guide questions to follow soon, simply take notes for now). Seniors Seniors should continue Life of Pi Chs 1-8 due tomorrow and begin the What's in a Name? discussion due Friday.

5/12: Debaters should complete the first TED Talk analysis tonight and can also begin the second one due tomorrow night. Juniors should continue with Frankenstein Chs 1-5 and its study guide is now posted as well as begin the next Frankenstein vocab #2 due Thursday night. Seniors should complete Life of Pi Chs 1-8 for tonight, get started on Chs 9-22 summaries due tomorrow night, and continue on the What's in a Name activity.

5/13: Debaters should complete the second TED Talk analysis tonight and can also begin the third one due tomorrow night. Juniors should continue with Frankenstein Chs 1-5 and its study guide is now posted as well as continue the next Frankenstein vocab #2 due Thursday night. Seniors should review the voiceover discussion on Life of Pi Chs 1-8, complete the Chs 9-22 summaries big ideas for tonight, and begin the Chs 23-36 summaries due Friday night. They should also continue the What's in a Name discussion by Friday night.

5/14: Debaters should complete the third TED Talk analysis tonight and can also begin the TED Talk Reflections due tomorrow night. Juniors should continue with Frankenstein Chs 1-5 and its study guide as well as complete the next Frankenstein vocab #2 due tonight. Seniors should review the voiceover discussion on Life of Pi Chs 9-22, continue the Chs 23-36 summaries due Friday night, continue the What's in a Name discussion due by Friday night.

5/15: Debaters should complete the TED Talks Reflection discussion due tonight. Juniors should complete the Frankenstein Chs 1-5 Study Guide for tonight. Seniors should complete the Chs 23-36 summaries due tonight, the What's in a Name discussion due tonight, and begin Life of Pi Chs 37-47 due Wednesday night.

Week 9 of May 18th - May 22nd

5/18: Debaters will now begin applying all they learned about debate by writing an opening speech for a debate topic due by the end of the week. All details laid out in their assignment. Juniors will move forward with Frankenstein this week. There are two journal prompts assigned today (one due without replies by Wednesday, and the other due with replies due Friday). The Frankenstein reading is due Thursday and is mostly reading chapter summaries but with two selected chapters to read fully. Seniors are continuing Life of Pi Chs 37-47 due Wednesday night. They also have a new discussion topic this week on Fear. Today they should also review my voiceover discussion on Friday's reading of chapter 23-36 summaries.

5/19: Debaters will continue applying all they learned about debate by writing an opening speech for a debate topic due by the end of the week. They should use this day to use your research to plan your speech using the outline provided in the assignment! All details laid out in their assignment. Juniors will continue with Frankenstein this week. There are two journal prompts assigned yesterday (one due without replies by Wednesday, and the other due with replies due Friday). The Frankenstein reading is due Thursday and is mostly reading chapter summaries but with two selected chapters to read fully. Seniors are continuing Life of Pi Chs 37-47 due Wednesday night. They also have a new discussion topic this week on Fear.

5/20: Debaters will continue applying all they learned about debate by writing an opening speech for a debate topic due by the end of the week. They should use this day to use their research to plan their speech using the outline provided in the assignment! Juniors will continue with the two journal prompts assigned Monday (one due without replies by Wednesday, and the other due with replies due Friday). The Frankenstein reading is due Thursday and is mostly reading chapter summaries but with two selected chapters to read fully. Seniors are continuing Life of Pi Chs 37-47 due Wednesday night. They also have a new discussion topic this week on Fear.

5/21: Debaters will continue applying all they learned about debate by writing an opening speech for a debate topic due by the end of the week. They should use this day to use your research to finish planning your speech using the outline provided in the assignment and begin writing your speech! Juniors will continue with the journal prompt assigned Monday (due with replies Friday). The Frankenstein reading is due TODAY and is mostly reading chapter summaries but with two selected chapters to read fully. Seniors should review the voiceover discussion on Life of Pi Chs 37-47, work on Chs 48-89 summaries, and continue the discussion topic this week on Fear.

5/22: Debaters will continue applying all they learned about debate by writing an opening speech for a debate topic due by the end of the week. They should use this day to use your research to finish writing your speech using the outline provided in the assignment! Juniors will continue with the journal prompt assigned Monday (due with replies Friday). Seniors should complete Chs 48-89 summaries, continue the discussion topic this week on Fear, and begin the Life of Pi reading of Chs 90-04 due Tuesday night.

Week 10 of May 26th - May 29th

5/26: Debaters will continue applying all they learned about debate by writing a second constructive speech for a debate topic due by the end of the week. All details laid out in their assignment. Juniors will move forward with Frankenstein this week. There are two journal prompts assigned today (one due by Wednesday, and the other due Friday, both without replies). The Frankenstein reading is due Friday and is part reading chapter summaries and part chapters to read fully. Seniors are continuing Life of Pi Chs 90-04 due Tuesday night. They also have a new essay topic this week on philosophy due next week on Wednesday. Today they should also review my voiceover discussion on Friday's reading of chapter 48-89 summaries.

5/27: Debaters will continue applying all they learned about debate by writing a second constructive speech for a debate topic due by the end of the week. All details laid out in their assignment. They should use this day to use their research to plan their speech using the outline provided in the assignment. Juniors should complete journal prompt #4 by tonight, continue journal #5 due Friday, and continue the Frankenstein Chs 17-24 assignment due Friday. Seniors should review the voiceover discussion on Life of Pi Chs 90-94, begin the final reading Chs 95-100, and continue their essay on the founding principle of existence.

5/28: Debaters will continue applying all they learned about debate by writing a second constructive speech for a debate topic due by the end of the week. All details laid out in their assignment. They should use this day to use their research to finish planning their speech using the outline provided in the assignment! Juniors should continue journal #5 due Friday and continue the Frankenstein Chs 17-24 assignment due Friday. Seniors should continue the final reading Chs 95-100 and continue their essay on the founding principle of existence.

5/29: Debaters will continue applying all they learned about debate by writing a second constructive speech for a debate topic due by tonight. All details laid out in their assignment. They should use this day to to finish writing their speech! Juniors should complete journal #5 due Friday and complete the Frankenstein Chs 17-24 assignment due Friday. Seniors should complete the final reading Chs 95-100 due tonight and continue their essay on the founding principle of existence due next week.

Week 11 of June 1st - June 5th

6/1: Debaters will continue applying all they learned about debate by writing a rebuttal speech for a debate topic due by the end of the week. All details laid out in their assignment. Juniors will wrap up with Frankenstein this week. There is one journal prompt assigned today due by Thursday. The Frankenstein reading is due Tuesday night. Seniors are continuing Life of Pi essay topic this week on philosophy due on Wednesday. Today they should also review my voiceover discussion on Friday's reading of chapter 95-100.

6/2: Debaters will continue applying all they learned about debate by writing a rebuttal speech for a debate topic due by the end of the week. All details laid out in their assignment. They should use this day to use their notes to plan their speech using the outline provided in the assignment. Juniors will continue to wrap up Frankenstein this week. There is one journal prompt due by Thursday. The Frankenstein reading is due TONIGHT. Seniors are continuing Life of Pi essay topic this week on philosophy due on Wednesday. Today they should also review my voiceover discussion on Life of Pi Quiz Review.

6/3: Debaters will continue applying all they learned about debate by writing a rebuttal speech for a debate topic due by the end of the week. All details laid out in their assignment. They should use this day to use their notes to finish planning and begin drafting their speech using the outline provided in the assignment! Juniors will continue to wrap up Frankenstein this week. There is one journal prompt due by Thursday. Seniors are completing Life of Pi essay topic this week on philosophy due TONIGHT. Today they should also review my voiceover discussion on Life of Pi Final Project Review.