The students and the school have continued to reap honors and achievements both academic and extra-curricular contests in the division up to the national level and even international level.

In terms of academic performance, UBNHS had been a consistent high ranking in the National Achievement Test in the previous years. It was also given recognition by the National Capital Region as one of those who got the highest increment in scores in the National Achievement Test. In addition, UBNHS students garnered medals in International Olympiad in Mathematics, 1st Placer in a National Poster Making contest, Champion in the Population Quiz and On-the-Spot Skills competition in the regional level, among others. Also, UBNHS championed some extra-curricular activities like the Banak Festival, thrice in a row. The school was also awarded 1st Rank in 2015 as the Most Innovative Brigada Eskwela Implementer in the Division.

In order to ensure quality education, a number of research-oriented teachers conducted action researches on how to bring the performance of the students to a higher level. Some of these teachers were finalists in the 5th SDO TAPAT Action Research Festival, and the school ranked third with the most number of teacher-researchers.

Other outstanding accomplishments of the school include strengthened implementation of Child Protection and Anti-Bullying Policies, maintained Child-friendly learning school environment, conducted Senior High School Career Orientation and Annual Parents’ and Students’ orientation. The school has also strengthened partnerships with the Local Government Unit and Non-Government Organizations.