Frequently Asked Questions

ANSWER:  NO, as DepEd Email is only given to Permanent employees under the following DepEd Order No. 85 and DepEd Memo No. 227 s. 2012.  However, in such cases the Central Office can grant DepEd emails to COS/JOs but under their Special Projects.  Wherein, once their contract ends then also with their given DepEd email Accounts.

2. Can an employee just divulge their DepEd email Password to anyone?

ANSWER: NO!  Under the Data Privacy Act of 2012 that "the need for security and confidentiality of both client and employee informationThe safeguards contained in such program must be consistent with the safeguards for protection of personal information and information of a similar character set forth in the Data Privacy Act of 2012 by which the person who owns or licenses such information may be regulated.".  in a sense this can lead to Identity Theft or much worse.

3. Does a DepEd email expire when not being used or opened for a long time?

ANSWER: NO.  As long as your employed under the Agency,  DepEd email account will only be terminated with the following aspect of either Retirement or Death.  As for Resignation, this office opts to set their DepEd email account on Suspension Mode as that employee may be returning to the agency in the future.

4. Is it Ok to register my DepEd email to Facebook?

ANSWER: NO.  But instead register your DepEd email account to Workplace by Facebook as it is one of the official communication board of our Agency.

5. What are the other use of DepEd email?

ANSWER: Your DepEd email account is one KEY entry to most of DepEd Programs such as LIS, Workplace, LRMDS and other online systems including Region and Division base systems