Sabang Elementary school

School ID: 104746 


              The school of Sabang Elementary is considered third big  school at Baliwag North District when it comes to enrolment, number of teachers, number of school buildings, school facilities  and this is also one of the performing   school in the District of Baliwag North.

      This is one of the top (5) five public schools of Municipality of Baliwag, headed by an Elementary School Principal III.  It is located at the Northern tip of the town along the National Highway. It is two (2) kilometers away from the Poblacion. Sabang Elementary School started as Primary School way back in 1920’s offering Grades I-IV only. The school head was Mr. Cayetano S. Santiago, Sr. A native of Sabang after the World War, it became complete Elementary School with Mr. Guillermo De Leon as their principal also a residence of Sabang.

From then on, the school expanded, the number of pupils increased, also with the number of teachers year after year. At present the enrolment of the school including Kinder pupils, Alternative Learners and Grade I Special Science Elementary School reaches to almost (1,454) One Thousand Four Hundred Fifty Four pupils with (40) Forty regular teachers, (1) One ALS teacher, and (4) Four Administrative Aides. As pupils and teachers increased, improvement of both Academic and Non-Academic, school facilities and school building is evident but some of the school buildings should be renovated and rehabilitated while others should undergo anay treatment.

The school has a gymnasium to cater as the venue for Physical Education activities, Graduation Rites, Assemblies and other outdoor related activities by the Department of Education Programs and Projects. At present, Sabang Elementary School serves as the Learner centered Public Institution that continuously improve itself to pursue its Vision and Mission.

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Deped Tayo-Sabang Elementary School 
Deped Tayo-Sabang Elementary School