"Together as One". Our beloved Cabuluan Elementary School located at the foot of the hills, inspires the faculty and staff to work hand in hand for the benefits of the children and the stakeholders.

"Sulong-EduKalidad, para sa Bata, para sa Bayan".

Message of the School Head

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  • Retrieval and Distribution of modules will be on June 16, 2021.

  • 4th Quarter Summative examination is schedule on June 28, 2021.

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New Normal: Cabuluan ES at work

Covid- 19 pandemic hit the Philippines in the early part of 2020. School operations must hold from operation, all gathering were also cancelled and restricted. Expecting graduates and parents were sad and disappointed.

Covid- 19 pandemic brought the so-called New Normal, the unexpected happening that shaken everyone in the world. It leads to fear, uncertainties, difficulties, and even chaos. For more than a year now, face mask and face shield become our constant accessories, alcohol as our new perfumes, wave instead of shake hands because of social distancing, no outings and celebrations and most is the feeling of fear and anxiety for the probability of becoming the next unknowing victim.

Cabuluan ES Teaching Staff definitely not exempted for all this trials and difficulties. At the beginning of the school for 2020-2021, teacher must have conquered their fear to face the new challenge, they were mandate to conduct surveys to get personal information to all their learner and interview as to what kind of Learning modalities/deliveries they preferred and comfortable to. It is very true that we are not prepared for this, after a long and many debates, our department, the Dep-ED approved the Alternative Delivery Modality (ADM), in the remote areas like us printed modules is used, it is a home-based learning because of the " No Face-to-Face" class, the parents or guardians become the primary teacher of the learners.

With high spirits we continue to deliver and do our noblest work, to cater the needs of education to all our learners. We spent more time than our regular 8 hours' class in school for printing, assorting, binding and downloading modules. Monitoring the day to day activities of the learner through constant communications using cellphones, social medias and alike becomes our daily routine. We also conduct once in a while home visitation. Giving and retrieving the modules are also scheduled where we followed strictly as possible the health protocols of the new Normal.

Along the way of this year also, we realized the great challenge in providing education to our learners, not confine in our classroom but rather in their own home. It leads us to become resilience and adaptable beyond the four corner of their classroom. As to parents and guardians, a conviction that working hand in hand with us gives great help in the process of their children's school success.

New Normal now is the Normal us, for Now. It gives us lesson and courage to accept the new challenge of " CHANGE ", change in view of education, health, family, safety, priority and most, our positivity and faith in God.

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Deped School Calendar

School Events

  • June 2, 2021 - Distribution of week 3 and 4 modules and retrieval of week 1 and 2 modules.

  • June 4, 2021 - Issuance of Grades 4-6 Learner's Gsuites and Office 365 accounts.

  • June 11, 2021 - Issuance of Grades K- Grade 3 Learner's Gsuites and Office 365 accounts.

  • June 1-30, 2021 - Activation of Learner's Gsuites Accounts and Office 365 Accounts.

  • June 16, 2021 - Distribution of week 5 and 6 modules and retrieval of week 3 and 4 modules.

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