Faculty and Staff
Teachers – A school’s greatest asset!
There has been so much talk of late about technology, the digital age and the value of all that is new in education in the 21st Century that it’s easy, I think, to lose sight of the most valuable asset of our schools.
Remove teachers from our schools and the value, standard and worth of education will be depleted.
It’s so easy to take teachers for granted. The days are full on. Commitments are never ending. Demands are high. Walk through the corridors of our schools and you see teachers involved in every facet of the school day, the school organization. The clockwork of routines so familiar to us all hinge around teachers. Students depend on teachers for a myriad of support, instruction and direction. Teachers offer so much to their school community:
inspiration for students to learn, strive and achieve
role models for students to emulate
recognition that not all students learn at the same pace
quality control to ensure that students deliver
guidance to improve students’ performance
care of the ‘whole’ student
structure to ensure educational goals are identified and achieved
innovations to the development and delivery of curriculum
shared responsibility with parents for student’s educational, social and emotional growth
direction on how technology can be harnessed by students to better their learning goals
School administrators would be lost without the support and dedication of their teachers. That’s why I’m thrilled when the efforts of teachers are acknowledged and recognized.
The 2012 school year began just three weeks ago for us at this end of the world, but already I feel the warmth and appreciation swirling between colleagues, administrators and members of the school community. The strong sense of support, collegiality and recognition of worth openly shared is a sure way to generate teachers’ increased commitment, performance and drive.
It’s incumbent on school administrations to constantly express their appreciation of their teaching staff, to laud them and ensure they know they are of value in the day to day running of the school and the overall achievements and recognition for which the school strives. Schools that treat their teachers well are sure to reap the dividends!