Contact Us

The best way to communicate with the teachers is to send an email to This allows all teachers to read and respond to the email without having to enter each address individually.

For individual emails:

Ms Kate - 

Morah Rebekah-

Morah Esther - 

Please allow 24 hours for a response. We check our emails before school and after school and try to respond quickly. If there is an emergency or anything urgent that you believe the teachers need to be aware of, the quickest way to communicate is to call the office at 303-369-0663, who will then notify us.

We are absolutely willing to meet with families via Zoom! We prefer to have meetings with all members of our team present. This requires some advance notice. Emails to are the best way to coordinate this process.

We are very happy to fill out forms for your child, whether for a doctor, a program, a different school (:(), etc. School policy is that teachers have at least 5 school days to complete these forms. This allows us to have the necessary time to ensure that we are filling them out to the best of our abilities. If unable to meet that timeline, please let the teachers know ASAP so we can make a plan.