
Basic Schedule: Subject to minor changes and more info as it becomes available.

Friday (5/4/18) - You will be greeted at the door of the Franciscan Center's main office area lobby beginning at 4:00 pm. You will have time to settle into your room prior to our "meet and greet" and light supper (sandwich makings and appetizers) at 5:30. Introductions, announcements and sing-along begins at 6:15 with a small group gathering at 7:00. The first up-lifting presentation by our keynote speaker begins at 8:00 pm.

Saturday (5/5/18) - Rise and shine in time for an 8:00 am breakfast, followed by small group meetings, announcements, devotions and sing-along at 9:00. Our keynote speaker will present at 10:30, followed by church group photos. Lunch will be at noon. The afternoon is free for you to explore the Colorado Springs area, to visit the Franciscan Center grounds or to sleep or spend time as you please however, there are organized activities if you chose to participate (hike, exercise class, and movie). Our fun feature movie will be Twenty-seven Dresses! Dinner will be served at 6:00 pm followed by an evening keynote presentation at 7:30, and small group gatherings. Around 9:15 pm, Pastor Barb Lefevre Lyons will be available for individual prayer time.

Sunday (5/6/18) - Good morning, sunshine! Pack up your belongings and enjoy breakfast at 8:00 am. Our worship and communion service begins at 9:00. This will wrap up the presentations and send you off refreshed, energized and loving life! Departure is at 11:00 am.